Monday, February 10, 2025- 1pm



Monday,  February 10, 2025- 1pm

Monday, February 10, 2025- 1pm

The day after the Super Bowl.
Monday, February 10, 2025, a new week begins.
The Philadelphia Eagles won last night. Shock & surprise!
The highlight of the Super Bowl last night for me though was the white color swirled piano Jon Batiste sat at to sing a jazz infused National Anthem. The large white piano, with a swirls of color & colorful butterflies, was painted by Batiste’s wife, Suleika Jaouad, who came up with the idea while making their documentary “American Symphony” (Netflix film, creating a symphony). Jon Batiste’s reimagined Super Bowl anthem highlighted Suleika’s painting and set the stage for the new music. Batiste turned his Super Bowl opportunity into a symphony of artistry, the debut of new music and a tribute to his hometown roots & to his wife.

Super Bowl Ads.
The ads for the Super Bowl had a change of flavor, tone, visuals, colors. They were more hopeful, more happy (less darkness) – all supporting America. The cowboy hat (friendship & understanding, over time), Jeep (joy & freedom), Dunkin Donuts, a dream reunion at Katz’s Deli, Stella Artois (family), Nike, women’s flag football (such freedom & strength!). Elmo talking about love. Martin Scorsese & the Saints. And most of all the words “Leave the past behind.”

Tomorrow, his Cabinet – an esoteric perspective.
love, Risa

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

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February 9, 2025- 8am

February 9, 2025- 8am



Sunday,  February 9, 2025- 8am

Sunday, February 9, 2025- 8am

Today is Sunday, our day of rest.
How will we rest today? Sunday, February 9, 2025.

Yesterday was the Aquarian Salon.
After the salon which was filled with Aquarian information, art, symbols, questions….there was controversy about some of what I presented. Giving examples of the 11th Labor of Hercules & the work the US prez is doing.

The Mars in Leo, the leadership, the Uranus Sun North Node in Gemini of the US prez, if not understood, if knowledge of these things is not in the minds of listeners, there can be reactions to information presented regarding the US prez, his ways & his words & his task within the US and the world.
The European people in the salon do not read my FB page or website.
I don’t know if there will be any more salons after this. We may create something else for the public. Most important to understand is astrology – everyone’s astrology. Without the astrology we see thru, perceive what is occurring in the world & with each other “thru a glass darkly.”

Anyway…moving forward, now & today –
Lots of earthquakes recently – 7.6 in the Cayman Islands, north of Honduras. From Feb 7th, off coast of Equador, N. Honduras, earthquakes all at the depth of 10. Eight depths of 10 earthquakes in the last two days. Is something happening underground there? Off the coast of central America, Jalisco, Mexico. Are there tunnels there? The true prez has activated the military to clean up the land, underground, on the ground, everywhere. The 11th Labor continues.

Sun/Mercury today in Aquarius –
Mars trines Saturn today – Mars remains retrograde ’til the 24th.
Cancer moon today – the moon is busy – Moon travels to meet with Mars, Saturn, Chiron, Sun, Mercury & Uranus. Checking in with each one, asking how each one is doing. We do the same internally today.

We have a big week ahead.
Wednesday – full moon, 24 Aquarius, & the Lantern Festival.
Friday is Valentine’s Day – “being of love a little more careful.

Lanterns, Valentines, etc.
Gathering lanterns this coming week to hang and drape on the Lantern Festival & preparing sweet things for Valentine’s day.
It’s a good week ahead. Let’s make it so. Good things yet to be. love, Risa

Note: I appreciate those who wrote to me about learning more about the US president from what I wrote about him. I appreciate when readers learn more & then write me about what they learned. Thank you. And so, I posted again the true prez’s chart. His Leo rising, Mars in Leo – he says “I love you” to the people. His Uranus, North Node, Sun in Gemini – he talks to the people, he loves (Ray 2 of Gemini) the people, & he disrupts (Uranus) the dark forces from their destructive work so the new era can come forth – this is the true prez’s TASK.
Fulfilling the 11th Labor (cleansing the stables), the task given to him by the Teachers.
The Mercury/Saturn, Venus in Cancer (talking to, I love you to the people) in his chart – he is concerned about the people in our country & the world. Without listen to him, observing him directly & then applying what we hear & see to his astrology chart – there is no understanding – there is only opinion, criticism, judgment & ignorance. When we hear these things (criticism, judgment, ignorance, etc.) we (it’s OK to) walk away. I did (do) that. Risa

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

11 + 3 =

Saturday, February 8, 2025- 7am



Saturday  February 8, 2025- 7am

Saturday, February 8, 2025- 7am

Aquarian Salon – Aquarius, astrology, art.
– code gam – 839 0016 8325

Presentation on Aquarius & Questions:
What is the sound of Aquarius.
What is the sound of Uranus?
Who are the innovators, who is a disruptor?
Who is carrying out the 11th Labor of Hercules?

When/Where is the Salon?
Today –
On zoom – at noon (Pacific time) today – the Aquarian Salon.
A gathering & gallery of thoughts, symbols, ideas, people.
Also, Night Light News talks about the salon

The Astrology Today.
Aquarius Sun, Mercury (communication) & Pluto today.
Cancer moon – beauty nurtures & nourishes us, as do gatherings of people talking & discussing together, learning astrology, gazing at art together.
Join us everyone – love, Risa

The link – – code gam – 839 0016 8325

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

14 + 9 =

February 7, 2025- Friday

February 7, 2025- Friday



Friday,  February 7, 2025- 12pm

Friday, February 7, 2025- 12pm

Invitation to the Aquarian Salon tomorrow, Saturday.
Today, Night Light News is posted.
It’s about the Aquarian Salon tomorrow, Saturday.
Everyone is invited to join us for discussion, art & astrology.
And so….
Today is February 7, 2025 – Friday, Venus’s day, Ray 5 day.
Concrete science & true knowledge (Ray 5).
The color of Ray 5 is a golden orange.

Today is complex – Sun/Mars, Venus/Pluto, Sun/Chiron.
Lots of talk today – Gemini Moon.
Chatter chatter chatter about Sunday’s Super Bowl.
Chiefs & Eagles.
Lots of chatter & anticipation about Sunday’s Super Bowl.
Chatter about its location, the prez, the film Sum of All Fears.
At the Super Bowl we are usually presented with a dark satanic ritual. Celebrities, music, musicians at half time, displaying to humanity in plain sight its enslavement. “Til the people awaken.

Anyway & In the meantime….
The Aquarian Salon is tomorrow, Saturday – astrology, art, wisdom teachings, discussion, music, etc. Join us everyone. – code gam – 839 0016 8325

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

5 + 12 =

Thursday, February 6, 2025- 8am

Thursday, February 6, 2025- 8am



Thursday,  February 6, 2025- 8am

Thursday, February 6, 2025- 8am

The Transformer, the Innovator.
Understanding the US President’s Chart & his Actions.
See & follow the chart below –
Today – Sun, Mercury, Pluto in Aquarius.
Pluto is the Transformer. Which the US prez is.
Transformer, innovator, disruptor, communicator.
And so…
Understanding the actions of the President of the United States.
We look at the position the leader is in, not his personality.
We look at his actions. We look at his astrology chart.
We know what the Aquarian task is for Hercules, the Labor of Hercules that the president of the US is undertaking.
We are thus intelligent onlookers, able to understand what we are seeing.

The task for Hercules under Aquarius is to “cleanse & clear the “Augean stables” – so that the village & townspeople (the US, Gaza, etc.) can be cleansed & cleared and return to common sense & to natural living.

Pluto in Aquarius – transforming that which was dark & unlivable into that which is filled with light – cleansed & cleaned.

This is what the true president of the United States is presently doing. With all of his mandates & Executive Orders. Bringing common sense to the US & thus to the world.
He is offering this to the United States & also to the Palestinian people – cleansing & clearing Gaza too. He is a “builder.”

The president of the US is following the Teacher’s directions – to cleanse the “Augean Stables” which in our present time is the United States. Looking at, understanding the actions of the true president.
Using the astrology chart for understanding.
We can understand this by understanding the president’s chart.

In his 10th house (leadership house, work in the world, a world leader) we see the sign of Gemini (sign of ideas, communication).
Gemini is the communicator – he talks all the time, talks to the people, shares with the people, has conversations.

His planets in Gemini are Uranus (innovation), North Node (the Path ahead), & Sun (illumination) in Gemini.
Gemini is also the sign of the hands – he uses his hands (in mudras) when he speaks. And his work is in building (which uses the hands).

Uranus in Gemini: He is quick, he is a disruptor, an Innovator, bringing new thoughts & ideas into the world. It’s a whole new (Uranus) conversation (Gemini), with new innovative (Uranus) ideas (Gemini).

Thursday today, Gemini (2) moon day.

The True President has Gemini at his midheaven.
He has Sun Uranus
Thursday is ruled over by Jupiter, Ray 2.
Love & Wisdom guard, guide & rule the day on Thursdays.
We recite the Reappearance meditation today.
Preparatory prayers for the Coming World Teacher.

Mercury in Cancer in the 11th – He talks (Mercury) to the people (Cancer). He talks to the masses of people (Cancer) & the people all over the world hear him.
Saturn & Venus in Cancer –
Saturn in Cancer – Bringing forth a new structure & the Rule of Law (Saturn) to the people (Cancer). He says “I will build (Saturn) a new city in Gaza for the people (Cancer). And make it beautiful (Venus) for the people). I will also tell the people (Cancer) all that I am accomplishing so there is transparency & the people (Cancer) have knowledge (Venus).

Pluto in Leo – the Transformer (Pluto) as a leader & (Leo) from the heart (Leo) of the matter. The transformations (Pluto) will be creative (Leo). I will use all my gifts & talents (Leo) to bring forth a transformative change (Pluto).

Mars in Leo – My actions (Mars) are creative (Leo) & they come from the heart (Leo). I love you & I love our country, the true president says.

Mars in Leo – This is actually an alchemical situation. His Mars leadership highlights the personality/ Martian aspect within people – the people who are Ray 6 (regressive, angry, unable to see the truth, are the echo chambers, are captured by the Dark Forces & untruths) are activated & we see it in our country – the violence against him, the resistance, the polarization.

Those who are on the Soul level are not activated by the prez’s Mars – they understand his actions & welcome them.

Leo rising – the rising sign is one’s Soul purpose.
Leo rising -the Soul purpose of this person is to be a Creative Leader that loves what he does & shares it with the people.

Look at his 2nd house – this is the house of values.
His Values –
Four planets in Libra (Ray 3, Divine Intelligence) – he says he wants to be a peacemaker. He values being a peacemaker.
Libra is the Peacemaker, the ambassador that goes to all nations’ leaders & makes peace with them.

And so now we know a bit more about the U.S. president & we can understand more as we observe him as president of the United States.

Turning to Today, Thursday.
Today is a rather calm day – the moon resting in between its trine to Pluto (1 – white/red) (2:34am) & its joining Jupiter (2-indigo blue) (6:16pm) this evening.
How will we live out our day today under Aquarius Sun (golden), Mercury (4) & Pluto, Gemini moon, Mars (6) in Cancer (3/7), Venus (5) in Aries (1 & 7).
The kingdom, from all the Rays flowing thru the signs & planets, …the Kingdom of Earth is very colorful (each day)!
See colors of the Rays below.
In our classrooms we would color w/ the color of the Rays the transits to our astrology charts. Then the colors flowing into our earth became very apparent to each of us.

Reappearance Meditation.
Reappearance of the Christ Meditation Day.
We stand close to the Christ, at the heart of Hierarchy.
Our meditation becomes a healing for all those in need.
In the light of our Soul, we say to the Christ….

“People of goodwill can come together to make things better.”
These are good words.

Our Meditation
Standing together under the light of the Group Soul, facing the Christ with intention, dedication & Love, we say the Reappearance Mantram together…

Forgetting the things which lie behind,
We will strive towards our highest spiritual possibilities.
We dedicate ourselves anew
To the service of the Coming One
And will do all we can
To prepare men’s minds and hearts
For that event.
We have no other life intention.

We sound the OM three times, dedicating the three-fold personality (triangle of the personality – physical body, emotions, lower mind offered to the triangle of the Soul – Will, Love/Wisdom, Divine Intelligence) to the work of Preparation for the Christ’s Reappearance on Earth.

May the power of the One Life
Pour through the group of all true servers.

May the love of the one soul
Characterize the lives
Of all who seek to aid the great ones

May we fulfill our part in the one work
Through self-forgetfulness,
Harmlessness, and right speech.

May we have right observation, right understanding, right action.
May we understand & love more. Risa

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