Tuesday, January 14, 2025- 8am

Tuesday, January 14, 2025- 8am



Tuesday,  January 14, 2025- 8am

Tuesday, January 14, 2025- 8pm

The Electric Universe – what we were not taught.
An Alternative Cosmological Theory.
Today….Tuesday, January 14, 2025.
One month ’til Valentine’s day!
Venus – the goddess of love – will be at its brightest just in time for Valentine’s Day 2025. But now is the time to start watching Venus. It’s in the west after sunset, brighter than any other planet or star. And now Saturn is near Venus in the evening sky.
Saturn & Venus – the Dweller & the Angel of the Presence.

Today Leo Moon – a time to best cultivate our creative talents & gifts. Then our true creative identity is recognized.

Capricorn Sun & Mercury. Serious talk about serious things.
Like the Electric Universe! See below.

Venus (5) square Jupiter (2) today – Pisces/Gemini – both receive & distribute Ray 2. Intelligent Love.
When Venus interacts w/ Jupiter, unifying love events happen.
Words (Gemini) of Love (Pisces) stream from our hearts.
Try it today!

Moon /Mercury today, Moon/Jupiter today, Moon/Venus today.
The moon is busy today making contact w/ the planetary Lords.

Tomorrow, Mars retro is very close to Earth & opposite the Sun.
We can see Mars in the sky – it’s red.
It’s a heavenly alignment!

Some Things to Know & Then to Ponder Upon.
Out Electric Universe:
[An alternative cosmological theory]
The Electric Universe
The Electric Universe model is an alternative cosmological theory that emphasizes the role of electricity and electromagnetism in the universe. Here are its key concepts:
1. Electromagnetism Over Gravity: It posits that electromagnetic forces, rather than gravity, are the dominant forces shaping the universe, influencing the formation and behavior of celestial bodies.
2. Electric Currents in Space: The model suggests that vast electric currents flow through space, connecting stars, galaxies, and other cosmic structures, and that these currents play a crucial role in their dynamics and energy.
3. Plasma Cosmology: It incorporates ideas from plasma physics, proposing that plasma, a state of matter consisting of charged particles, is a fundamental component of the universe and is influenced by electromagnetic forces.
4. Solar Activity: The Electric Universe model attributes solar phenomena, such as sunspots and solar flares, to external electric currents interacting with the Sun, rather than internal nuclear fusion processes.
5. Cosmic Structures: It suggests that galaxies, stars, and planetary systems are formed and maintained by electromagnetic forces, challenging the conventional gravity-centric models.

Overall, the Electric Universe model offers a radically different perspective on cosmic phenomena, focusing on the influence of electricity and magnetism across the universe. Overall, the Electric Universe model challenges the conventional understanding by focusing on electromagnetic forces and external energy sources, whereas the accepted model relies on nuclear fusion and gravitational forces.
Reference Source: The Electric Bridge, Lucis Trust.

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15 + 12 =

Sunday, January 12, 2025- 4pm

Sunday, January 12, 2025- 4pm



Sunday,  January 12, 2025- 4pm

Sunday, January 12, 2025- 4pm

Giving. Then giving again.
Giving on Sunday & every day after where there is need.
So much suffering & losses that it is beyond difficult to fathom
from the fires in Los Angeles. The heart chakra of the U.S.
My thoughts and love are with everyone in Los Angeles.
Los Angeles is my hometown & the home of my children.
My children were born there.
For those looking for a place to donate meals link to Botanica – an extraordinary & favorite restaurant in LA. …Risa

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4 + 6 =

Sunday, January 12, 2025- 8am

Sunday, January 12, 2025- 8am



Sunday,  January 12, 2025- 8am

Sunday, January 12, 2025- 8am

Chopping Wood, Carrying Water to Those in Need.
Today is Sunday –
January 12, 2025. Cancer moon – tending & caring for the people. Healthy food for humanity.
Capricorn Sun & Mercury – being practical, calling the government to attention to what humanity needs.
Venus, Saturn & Neptune in Pisces – signs of saving grace.
Mars retrograde opposite the Sun, closest to the earth.

The nodes shifted yesterday to Pisces North Node (saving the people) & Virgo South Node (working out the details).
Read more on the Nodes changing on our website – nightlightnews.org/

Astrology – Mars retrograde closest to Earth today.
Full Moon tomorrow afternoon/evening.
Capricorn festival of Light – 24 degrees Capricorn.
“Lost are we in Light Supernal….”
The full moon is the Full Wolf Moon & it will appear next to Mars. And

Mars is closest to the Earth. That’s because Mars is opposite the sun from Earth now, at opposition on January 15-16.
The full moon is also opposite the sun. So it makes sense that this month’s full moon will appear near Mars. Some observers will see the moon occult – or pass in front of – Mars. Look to the heavens on the night of January 13 and if we don’t see Mars … it might be behind the full moon.

Today Mars/Neptune – a trine – no longer seeing thru a glass darkly. Seeing the reality of what is.
Tomorrow Sun/Uranus – unexpected things may occur.
Today Sunday, Los Angeles fires expand.
How did deadly fires erupt & expand? There are so many failed policies in CA that put people at wisk. LA looks like a war zone.

10s of thousands of acres, 12K homes & businesses burned. 13 dead. It points out severe policy failures by the woke agenda & woke CA government. There was a lack of fire prevention.
There should be no federal monies given to CA w/out changed policies.
The false prez is making last minute trade deals, midnight trade sabotage, making it difficult for the American economy. At the 11th house the false prez is handing a US deep water port to Mexico, then sold to China. A continued betrayal of the US country & people. https://whyy.org/articles/joe-biden-blocks-coastal-oil-drilling/

The true prez had a GOP meeting – policy changes ae coming with 100 Executive Orders. Vote in the House will be in the first week of April. Then to the Senate. Then to the Prez desk for signing.

From Devin Nunes (CA).
Previous Congressman for Tulare, CA county.
There needs to be forest management in CA.
And the water needs to flow into the LA basin.
In the farmland of CA – specific land management is needed.
Due to lack of common sense (that all farmers understandthere has been 40 years of bad land & water policies, incompetent leaders doing the same thing over & over = catastrophic results.

CA is a Mediterranean climate – good soil sun & water = vegetation growth. Hillsides were managed by farmers & ranchers who knew how to manage the lands.
But due to mis-managmenet from CA leaders, water grazing & logging were hampered. Farms got no water so LA basin received no water.
Need a flow of water. But leaders rationed the water. Running farmers & ranchers out of CA –
A combination of proper land management solves the problem.
But leadership were worried more about a little fish & DEI than about tending the land & the people.
The most wealthy land has now been burned.
The water needs to flow. Timber industry needs to come back for managing vegetation growth. Cattle need to graze.
However, note – it’s the people of CA who embraced the New Green Deal & voted for Newsom & LA’s mayor.
They embraced false ideology.
As a result of Climate Change Agenda (false) & 40 years previous mismanagement…radical ideas of the Green New Economy brings on death & devastation. Thus the fires.
CA needs common sense policies. No more nonsense leadership. Massive water infrastructures should not be moving water into the ocean. The new administration will not allow for nonsense policies.

In terms of CA funding & aid…must first investigate failure of CA policy, government & leadership – a fish more important than the life of US citizens, water restrictions, DEI policies over protecting the people – a hard look is needed at what changes must be made to protect US citizens. Hold the CA leaders accountable for cutting 100 million dollars for fire prevention while supplying illegal immigrants with food clothing shelter education health & housing. The policies are upside down, inside out. Devastation is the results.

Will this change people’s awareness of how they will vote in terms of choosing leaders?

Chopping wood, carrying water to those in need.

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4 + 6 =

Friday, January 10, 2025- 10am

Friday, January 10, 2025- 10am



Friday,  January 10, 2025- 10pm

Friday, January 10, 2025- 10m

Let the Plan of Love & Light Work Out.
May it seal the door where evil dwells.

We are to remember that love underlies all the happenings of the times.
Today – Friday, Venus’s day, Ray 5 day – January 10, 2025.
In the Year of the Precipitation.
Gemini Moon today. Communication. The World Prayer.
Capricorn Sun – on the mountaintop gathering the Light for humanity.

The Great Invocation – Helping Humanity in Need.
Creating Thought Forms to help solve world problems.
And so….
Reciting the Great Invocation for humanity suffering, in loss, in sadness in Los Angeles, in Shigatse, Nepal & everywhere in the world. We reach into the heart of the Lord of the World when we recite the Great Invocation & also into the hearts of humanity itself. The Great Invocation is a great world prayer & reciting it is an act of service that aids humanity, an invocation for help, light & love for humanity. (Note: the word “man” is Sanskrit for “one who thinks.” The word “Christ” is a job description of a world Teacher & Savior.)

The Great Invocation

From the point of Light within the Mind of God
Let light stream forth into the minds of men.
Let Light descend on Earth.

From the point of Love within the Heart of God
Let love stream forth into the hearts of men.
May Christ return to Earth.

From the centre where the Will of God is known
Let purpose guide the little wills of men –
The purpose which the Masters know and serve.

From the centre which we call the race of men
Let the Plan of Love and Light work out
And may it seal the door where evil dwells.

Let Light and Love and Power
restore the Plan on Earth.

The Great Invocation, a world prayer for humanity, articulates values upon which a stable and interdependent world society may be based. Reciting the Great Invocation invokes divine energies of light and love and spiritual power for all humanity.
It is prayer that helps humanity & the world. As we recite it we visualize God’s Light and Love and Will-to-Good entering the hearts and minds of people everywhere. It is an aid in times of conflict, chaos & crisis. Risa

Snow in the midwest. 

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15 + 12 =

Thursday, January 9, 2025- 5pm

Thursday, January 9, 2025- 5pm



Thursday,  January 9, 2025- 5pm

Thursday, January 9, 2025- 5pm

Baptism of Fire –
Tragedy destruction sorrow & loss!.
An esoteric response to the Los Angeles Fires.
The Fires in Los Angeles – the heart of desire.
In the realms of a bigger picture. What is happening esoterically along with materially Fire is Agni, the mental plane Lord. Purification. What Initiation would this be for the masses? Baptism of Fire. 2nd Initiation.
Also Mars retro opposite Pluto – the great testings of Scorpio. Purification by fire. Fire & water Initiation. In Atlantean times it was water (the floods). In the Aryan times we are dealing with kama-manas, astral mental, fire-water.
When we look at this, where is it occurring?
In Los Angeles. The Heart center of the United States.
But Los Angeles/Hollywood, etc. is also the heart center of desire & materialism. Desire is water.
Then the fires – Kama Manas, the 2nd Initiation, has to do with Scorpio – ruled over by Scorpio, ruled by Mars/Pluto – Mars has been in Leo, a fire sign & retros back into water, Cancer. Water & fire, steam, the “fog” that has been covering the US. The result of fire & water coming together. This is broadcast all over the world so everyone is witnessing this conflagration.
The fire is occurring in the heart of desire (for the world).
These fires are affecting the entire state of CA, the country of the United States & the entire world.

Watching the fires can be trauma based. Don’t keep watching. Trauma impacts on every level as the city & county is in flames.

CA resources have been mis-managed for decades. An attack to control all the water in CA. The true prez has said over & over there is no reason not to have enough water, it comes from the heavens & the mountains. The fact that there was no water in the hydrants was due to mismanagement of the water in CA by CA officials.

It begins in CA…and will spread out into other states – the Feds & the state controlling the water. Things always begin in CA.

The insurance companies now have an excuse of not maintaining their mortgage. Solidifying the land grab by the globalists. There will be another wave of trauma after this.

Having ranches in CA & water being of great concern….every time the true prez talked about water, & before his election, the true prez talked about the misuse of water & corruption around the water that the state of Ca & the false officials have continued in terms of water. Even though this is devastating its bringing to light the corruption occurring around water in CA. Part of the awakening of the masses will activate the knowledge, will activate the desire for change – not taking this anymore. In the water/fire, the masses will awaken. Thru suffering. Thru the revealing of the corruption which the true prez brought up – he spoke of it during the previous fires in CA. Now…person after person coming forth listing all that is corrupt in the CA government.

Initiation – crisis leading to awakening to awareness to expansion of consciousness.

About the air – the smoke is seriously toxic (it’s not just trees burning). Get & have & run as many air filters as possible in each room in the house. And rinse off all cars each day. Ash eats thru the paint. And wash off the plants, their leaves will be blocked with ash. Wear a mask if going outside to protect from toxic chemicals that have been burning. Keep the children inside. For those in the fires – take NAC & Chlorella & drink a heavy metal detox smoothie.

The worst is yet to come.
The best is yet to come.

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