ESOTERIC ASTROLOGY AS NEWSEsoteric Astrology as news for week September 14 – 20, 2022
Mortality Takes on Immortality – End of an Archetype
We have had quite a week these past days. Mercury retrograded (Sept. 9), the Virgo Solar Festival full moon (Sept. 10) and a major archetype of constancy, service, strength, dignity and forbearance ended as the most recognized woman, the Queen of England, died on September 8th, (also the celebration of the birthday of Mary, the Mother of the world in the Catholic Church). There are never any mistakes. Everything occurs in right timing and right rhythm bringing to humanity the needed symbols of the times.
And so, an archetypal event occurred on Sept. 8th – the death of the Queen of England, leader of and in service to her people for seventy years. When archetypal events in the world appear they impact everyone. The archetype of the Queen. In chess, the Queen is the most important figure, she protects the king and can move anywhere on the board. There is wondering about how the death of the Queen of England will impact the world. A shift occurred in the fabric of the world, especially in the fabric of world leadership when the Queen of England, a leader for 70 years, died. Born royal, with impeccable manners, always with the kind demeanor of a Queen, she dedicated and embraced her service to her people every day of her life. Generations grew up under her leadership. This leadership and constancy ended at her death. When an archetype ends, there is a shattering. We are now in transition between then & now and we have come to the end of an archetypal Age of Monarchy. The world is shifting now into a new age, a new era, into the ideals of Aquarius – which is the Age of humanity itself.
“Trumpets shall sound & we shall be changed. The mortal clothes itself with immortality.” From Handel’s Messiah
Autumn Begins – We are in our last week of Virgo. Next Thursday morning, September 22, the Sun leaves Virgo and enters Libra and the season of autumn begins. We move deeper into the dark half of the year, awaiting the winter solstice. Persephone enters the underworld. Ceres begins to grieve. The plant kingdom begins to withdraw. The apples, persimmons, pomegranates and guavas ripen.
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