ESOTERIC ASTROLOGY AS NEWSEsoteric Astrology as news for week May 30 – June 5, 2018
Gemini – Bright Shiny One
Gemini, the 3rd sign in the zodiac, is an air (mental) sign. Their minds are their strength. Ruled by Mercury who creates duality and then Venus, synthesizing that duality. Gemini is endlessly curious, aware of the latest everything, like a breeze flowing through a meadow, chasing butterflies, a forked tongue, sometimes, who knows what will grab their fancy next time? Geminis are quick witted, expressive, and two personalities in one. Fun loving and restless, we never know where they are.
Gemini personifies duality (their spiritual task). One minute they’re here, the next moment, we can’t find them. Everything’s done is at the speed of light – making friends with strangers, hopping here and there gathering information with a possibility of superficiality and/or inauthenticity at times. A quick mind, followed by boredom, Gemini must always be involved in the study of something, anything, including music, art, dance, theatre and writing. Finally, one day, when Gemini slows down, they study astrology, find their true selves, and become “white magicians.”
Gemini is about the hands and arms (dexterity). Gemini loves sports, games, films, books and everything social. Gemini hears what others can’t hear. Geminis are ruled by Mercury; thus, they are communicative and clever, spontaneous, quick witted, and sometimes they gossip. They are always out and about in the world. Their task is to bring down to earth, in simple terms, what’s occurring in the popular culture so the masses of humanity can understand.
Gemini touches both heaven and earth. Probing both. Never landing in one place for long. We love their intelligence. If we’re lucky, we’ll catch a glimpse of the “love that underlies their intelligence.” Just for a moment, though. Geminis are like the devas (bright & shining ones).
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