Esoteric Astrology as News

March 14 – 20, 2018 


Pisces to Aries, Spring (Ostara) & International Astrology Day




Here we are in our last days of winter and the last week of Pisces. Before the Pisces waters turn into the fires of Aries, let’s talk a bit more about Pisces. So, we understand more. Wednesday, March 14, is Einstein’s birthday. Einstein, a most brilliant thinker, was Pisces Sun. Most people consider Pisces too confused to become a brilliant scientist. But, there are heights and depths within Pisces hardly anyone ever knows or comes close to understanding.

Pisces is the two fish, one masking the other. Pisces’ nature is fluid. And, this fluidity is what enables them to swim deep into darkness while reaching up to the highest star (Sirius). Because of these journeys, Pisces is able to understand all realities, both dark and light, inner and outer, above and below, known and unknown.  This is where the two fish swim.

Pisces, when directed by the Soul, becomes powerful, like the force of an ocean. Often, people turn away when in the presence of Pisces. A spiritual Pisces (Pluto ruler) understands why. Pisces must withdraw often, eliminate all that has been absorbed from the environments, and gather themselves back together again.

Saturday is the Pisces new moon. So many “lights” both in Pisces and in Aries. The Pisces waters prepare us for the fires of Aries. The keynote for Pisces – “I left the Father’s house, the bliss-filled Oneness. I returned to the Earth in order to serve the Plan and to save humanity.”

Monday is St. Joseph’s Day, honoring all fathers as they cherish their children.

Spring. Tuesday, March 20, at 9:15 am (west coast), the zodiacal year ends, the Sun exits Pisces, enters Aries and the new season of Spring begins. The seasons are all about the elements. From Pisces waters to the fires of Aries, from the end to a new beginning. As the new zodiacal year commences, Archangel Raphael assumes his Spring position…protector of the Earth.



I Leave the Father’s Home

and Turning Back

I Save

(Aquarius Seed Thought)




View Graphs of the Sun’s Activity

X-flare & Geo-magnetic Storm Monitor: Solar events (sun spots, solar flares, etc.) represent the activity of our the Solar Logos. The Sun’s activity accelerates our evolution. There is a connection between the activity on the Sun and events on Earth.







View Phases of the Moon





March 21 – April 19: Rest and relaxation is most important. Retreat continues to be a need. No matter what you attempt, veils drop in front of you. Should you push forward, you only find clouds of confusion. Go slowly, use your heart, slip into a comforting environment (and shoes), and dance and sing to the sounds of kirtan (holy music). The best is by Krishna Das.


April 20 – May 20:  Your entire focus is on group work and the creation of community. This is Right Action, for it will be through intentionally creating, building and working within community that sustainability will be assured in the coming years. There is a need to tend to health, be in the sun and exercise to assure that you will continue with the vision and leadership needed to get us from here to there, from darkness to light.


May 21 – June 20:  The planets in the sign of saving the world are in your house of friends, hopes, wishes, and how you’re recognized, seen, needed and remembered in the group you belong to. What are your thoughts these days concerning those you associate with? How do they impact your profession, leadership skills and public life? During this new moon serve those around you with great dedication and love. Make food baskets. Distribute them.


June 21 – July 22:  Maintain simplicity this week. Tend to easy chores, seek help if needed. You must maintain health, well-being and strength. There’s a possibility of restriction walking or accomplishing tasks or getting from here to wherever for something unexpected may have occurred. This calls for patience and strength of character that can ask for assistance. If traveling, be sure to have the best of shoes. Drive with care.


July 23 – August 22: Saturn and Mars have been affecting your day to day life. Have you found yourself working slower, having to redo, review, reassess and create a calm sense of inner patience these past months? What is occurring with money and finances held in common? Something unexpected, expansive, confusing or illuminating? Did financial news from family emerge? Do you need tax help?


August 23 – September 22:  Pisces is your opposite sign, your hidden self, the other half of you. When Sun is in Virgo, an integration takes place between yourself and all those close to you; intimate friends, those you work and live with and even enemies. Virgo and Pisces, like all opposite signs, shadow each other. The gifts each one possesses the other needs. Each shadow of the other gradually fuses and integrates.


September 23 – October 22: With multiple Pisces and Aries planets you could be involved with lots of water (or fire). You could be engulfed in drugs or alcohol or a flood of tears for something sad occurring. You could be learning to swim or riding the waves. You could be turning into Mother Theresa saving the world. You could be lost, confused or realize you’re being refined, purified and prepared. On the burning grounds. Wear veils for protection.


October 23 – November 21:  Creativity should have slipped into your life quite easily taking you by the hand, creating new interests and goals, having you mingle with artists, writers, musicians, performers so you begin to identify more specifically as highly creative and not just a dark stranger behind sunglasses and long black coat in the winter cold somewhere. Now you’re in the bright golden Sun.


November 22 – December 21:  Many opportunities seem to flow into your life. So many you may feel under/overwhelmed. Don’t be. Some you’ll understand, some you won’t. Some are good, some confusing. As the blessings continue to appear, you find yourself learning to be quite at home with style, glamour and dazzling beauty. At times, you do need to retreat, hide under covers and simply swim toward Seas of Tranquility.


December 22 – January 19:   You like to maintain customs and traditions. Soon it will be Easter. It’s time to create Easter baskets, growing little grasses (barley & wheat), thinking about filling the baskets with homemade foods for family and friends. Easter is Sunday, April 1st. In our family, our mother made walnut and poppy seed strudels, she grew radishes and parsley for Easter breakfast, and we walked around the neighborhoods, collecting wild fruits and spring onions. You might do this too.


January 20 – February 18: Should you feel overtaken by either sex or intimacy, by money or finances, and/or by confusion in either of these areas of life, give yourself time to acclimate because something’s unfolding and something’s being refined in those areas. Keep close and careful tabs on all money, received and spent. Try not to be taken over by a desire for a very expensive object. It’s an illusion. Wait a month. .


February 19 – March 20:  This new moon brings the hidden out into the open. Perhaps a new self-identity. Pisces is so often veiled, people don’t really know them. They live behind veils (Neptune) for many years. Then one day Pisces emerges, knows what’s ahead, what came before and what just passed everyone by. There’s lots of work ahead. Get yourself thick boots, something cashmere and a new car. You know which direction to take.


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