Esoteric Astrology as News

February 2 – 8, 2017


February’s Festivals

Jupiter Retrogrades in Libra.

Are We Balanced? Are We Gracious?

February Calendar

Here we are already in February, the month of Aquarius & Pisces, of Groundhog Day (Candlemas Day, Imbolc, cross quarter day between winter & spring), Valentines Day, Chinese New Year, the Lantern Festival at the full moon, birthdays of Presidents Lincoln & Washington, and for this year the month of two eclipses (lunar Feb. 10, solar Feb. 26). February also informs us that spring (March 20th) is one month away.

Thursday is Groundhog day and Candlemas (between winter solstice and spring equinox). In the Catholic churches candles are brought to Mass and blessed. Friday is the 2nd quarter moon, waxing, setting around midnight.

jupiter in libra - 1 year

night, Jupiter, planet of love/wisdom, expansion, and beneficence becomes stationary retrograde. Jupiter is retrograde for four months and direct nine months each year. Jupiter retrogrades at 23 Libra back to 13 Libra. Where are these degrees (23-13 Libra) in everyone’s charts? Everyone needs their own astrology chart. Without it, we “see life only through a glass darkly.”

jupiter w: stars

When planets are retrograde we enter a state of needed assessment and review. The sign and house the retrograde move through determines what area of life is affected. Jupiter in Libra – we assess relationships, partnerships and all interactions with others. We review issues of equality, compromise, values and diplomacy. Are we fair and balanced? Do we bring forth harmony and have Right Relations? Whom do we value. How do we connect? Libra asks “Are we balanced, are we gracious?” (304)


Jupiter’s last transit of Libra was September 2004 – October 2005, October 1992 to November 1993, and October 1980 to November 1981. Whatever occurred in our lives 2004-5 comes to fruition now. Whatever occurred in the previous years reappears for reassessment and review.

jupiter's retro loop


Chakras balancedEverywhere around the world the New Group of World Servers (NGWS) are preparing for the Three Spring Festivals – Aries (April 10), Taurus (May 10) and Gemini (June 9), especially for Wesak, the Taurus Buddha Full Moon Festival. Wesak is the Buddha’s once-a-year visit from Shamballa to Earth. Bringing the Will to God to humanity. The Hierarchy & the NGWS have been preparing for Wesak since Winter Solstice.

Buddha Art – Buddha in meditation on the thousand petaled lotus – preparing for Wesak & his visit to Earth.

buddha preparing for Wesak



Water of Life Am I

Poured Forth For

Thirsty Humanity

(Aquarius Seed Thought)




View Graphs of the Sun’s Activity

X-flare & Geo-magnetic Storm Monitor: Solar events (sun spots, solar flares, etc.) represent the activity of our the Solar Logos. The Sun’s activity accelerates our evolution. There is a connection between the activity on the Sun and events on Earth.







View Phases of the Moon



libra - justice


retrograde motion of a planet




March 21 – April 19: Relationships, partnerships, marriage, commitments, negotiations and contracts may all shift and change. You will assess if there is anything needed to expand the good in each of these so everything becomes more successful and productive. Are new studies needed? Perhaps you will become a teacher or counselor. Work through all conflicts in order to attain more harmony and freedom.


April 20 – May 20:  Work will expand, details will be important, and a deeper sense of service will enter your life. For those seeking new employment, use this time to write down what work environment is most beneficial. Rest and relaxation is needed each day at the same time. Integrity and honesty are values you’re teaching others. Tend to the animals who come your way.


May 21 – June 20:  Questions posed in your mind during this deep internal time will be about creativity and romance, having fun, children, pleasure, humor, love and warmth. You will find yourself retreating from many things in your life. Careful with investments & speculations. These are too risky at this time. Don’t follow what the many around you believe. There is another reality for you to comprehend. Write a book, journal, paint, draw. With wide open eyes.


June 21 – July 22:  Great joy and benefits come forth through family, domestic comfort, the garden and property. There will be a need for security and safety, and thoughts on additions to the home – adding a room, adding to the family, enlarging the garden. Real estate may be on your mind. Some will buy or sell a home. Others will redesign, redecorate and improve living spaces. Family traditions will be important and reinstated.


July 23 – August 22: You will begin to understand deep, complicated situations and problems. You will teach others what you know. You may write and author a book, take a class that helps you understand how to communicate with more ease. Travel, local and close by, will be considered. Great intellectual benefits arise at this time. You expand and magnify all that you touch and think about.


August 23 – September 22:  It’s time to consider money and resources, taxes, inheritances, burial rites, insurance and all things of value to you. This is a productive yet practical time. Certain talents will develop and increase your sense of self as useful and valuable. Any past monetary problems seem to disappear. Begin a new budget and manage all resources in new ways. Invest in gold and silver.


September 23 – October 22: An entirely new cycle begins for you, a new destiny, actually. Greet each day with happiness. Be sure to arise at dawn and step outside. Allow the rays of the morning Sun to penetrate into your eyes. This sets up within your body the new vibrant life cycle for the day. It heightens your perspective. Your optimism and your ability bring joy, which heals the world.


October 23 – November 21:  Things seem to be occurring internally behind veils and curtains for the purpose of spiritual protection as events can feel out of control, unusual & rather strange. You will be in touch with what you’re not often in touch with – fears perhaps, sadness, guilt. All of these need clearing, for they aren’t real. They’re learned behaviors. Helping others helps the deep dark secrets disappear. Helping others brings forth joy. You need joy. Dream more.


November 22 – December 21:  You will be filled with ideas for the future, new seeds of thought that eventually manifest. Allow these to slowly mature so you’re not overwhelmed with too many visions. Walk slowly down the road. Ponder upon innovative projects that inspire. This year some brave and cherished hopes will come true along with new direction, new byways & highways. Be a friend to someone.


December 22 – January 19:   There’s an interesting inward (Saturn) and outward (Jupiter) movement occurring in your life. Saturn pulls one back with deep discipline. Jupiter expands one outward bringing new social standing and prestige. You respond with great intelligence, authority and responsibility. Saturn prepares you internally to be successful in the world and Jupiter expands on this. You have a new goal in life. What is it?


January 20 – February 18: You have an intellectual curiosity contemplating new ideas concerning politics and the justice system. You’re interested in learning, finally recognizing your intelligence. Consider writing a book or entering publishing or broadcasting fields where you have an audience who appreciates your words, listens to your music, and understands your thinking. Remember to remain open and tolerant, kind and fluid, adaptable with a wide perspective.


February 19 – March 20:  Notice spiritual and physical contentment spreading throughout your life. There are less struggles to contend with. You are less vulnerable. A deeper understanding occurs as the past reappears. At times a bardo-like feeling is experienced; a stream of memories from times and events past. Allow this to occur. It’s a washing away of what is no longer needed. Create new financial plans. Invest in life insurance and in gold and silver.


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