Wednesday, September 25, 2024- 10am
Do you have questions?
Writings for the new mind, the kindergarten mind.
We are ALL in kindergarten here.
Including me….
And so….
Yesterday I asked a question.
What is the number of Shamballa?
There was a reason I asked it & the clues were in the actual text.
When reading my posts one must become a deep observer.
And be used to questions. And not knowing the answers.
And so….Teresa answered the question I posed about Shamballa.
Shamballa is the number 24. The clues were in the date yesterday. Who noticed that?
And so…an explanation…
How do I write here on FB?
When I write here about the Wisdom Teachings & astrology, I try to write as simply as possible. I attempt to make the information into a story & make the wisdom teachings & astrology not so complex so that people remain interested, can learn more, and don’t turn away.
My writings here are therefore for the kindergarten mind.
That is the new mond, the innocent pure mind.
I too have a kindergarten mind & if something is too complex for me I can’t integrate it. I can turn away.
Therefore, my writings here are focused on simplicity with at times a bit more complexity than usual thrown in.
Sometimes I ask questions that hardly anyone knows the answer to.
That’s OK. Because someone here on our FB page knows the answers (like Teresa who posted the number of Shamballa which is 24). I will post questions & someone will know the answers & they will post it & then we all learn.
Questions are good.
Not knowing the answers is good too.
Someone in our community here knows the answers.
Challenges are good too. And curiosity.
They all help us think more. We become THINKERS together here.
The Socratic method (asking questions) is the best method of learning.
And today is Wednesday, Mercury’s day – Hermes day.
Both are the messengers of the Gods.
Today, September 24, 2024 – Libra Sun.
Mercury today opposite Neptune –
And Mercury trine Pluto – Mercury on a sojourn into the realm of the outer planets – refining (Neptune) our minds. Transforming (Pluto) our minds. Helping us to become THINKERS.
Thinking on these words today. love, Risa
Does anyone have any questions?