Wednesday,  October 23, 2024- 9am

Wednesday, October 23, 2024- 9am

Essential Divinity – Principle in the Aquarian Age.
Calling upon the Lord to bring forth His Darkness-Destroying Light, to illumine the minds of men (thinkers).
And so….
Today is Mercury’s day, Ray 4 day.
Harmony day. Disciples are the harmonizers.
Today is October 23, 2024 –
Countdown! – 14 days (including today) til the election.
I can feel the buzz in the air all over our country.
Let the Forces of Light bring illumination to the minds of men (the thinkers). May the spirit of cooperation & forgiveness be spread about. And help each of us to know & to do our part in our world.

Why I wrote about Arte Povera the last three days – the reality that a piece of art is selling for 80 million dollars & looking at the needs of humanity – this amount of money for an art piece feels morally reprehensible, unprincipled & corrupt. The disparity between the poor & the wealthy, as seen especially in the art world.

It’s like the disparity between the dark & light, left & right.
The disparity seeing Maria Schriver, Eminem, Obama, Mark Cuban, the Hollywood pack, the musicians (all bought & sold & captured), etc. etc. supporting the H campaign. They seem to have sold their souls, which makes them blind over time.
No, watching them, listening to them speak their hollow words…they feel & look like, they sound like the betrayers of the people. The betrayers. One can feel the cognitive dissonance, the hollowness when they speak.
The Tibetan wrote it’s the intellectuals who get lost in the lower mind & they cannot see the light. Or they are give themselves over to & are captured by the dark forces. It’s often money, prestige, compromise. Losing their morals & ethics.

This is what occurred in ancient Atlantean times. It became so dark, with the dark forces controlling humanity. Then the floods happened to purify the earth.
The Lord said after the floods – I will never create a flood again. I will not purify with water.I will use fire the next time, to purify the earth, should that Atlantean darkness fall upon the earth again. That darkness is in such plain sight now in our country.

The Astrology today – Wednesday, Mercury’s (4) day.
Cancer (3/7) moon with Mars (6) in Cancer.
Scorpio (4) Sun with Mercury in Scorpio.
Two water signs – the intelligence & active waters of Cancer.
The deep transformative yet testing martian waters of Scorpio.

The Nine Scorpio Tests have begun – & the vote on Nov. 5th is the biggest test our people & country have had since its founding.

We ask the Lord of the world, to illumine the minds of men (thinkers).
To bring forth His darkness-destroying Light!

From now till Winter Solstice – December 21st.
We stand under, work with, study, participate in the Principle of Essential Divinity.
What is this?
It is the recognition of….
Essential (essere – to be). Divinity (deus – deva).
To recognize that each of us is a god – a reflection of our Creator). Made in His image & likeness. Carrying within us a spark of Life itself that IS God.
The fiery spark of God within each human & within all the kingdoms on Earth.
That humanity needs God – this is the reason for Sukkot – the week long Jewish festival reminding the people how God tended & cared for His people for 40 years in the desert after being released from Egypt (slavery & the Taurus Age).
That humanity needs each other.
Expressing this need as love for God & love for each other.
And love for all the kingdoms on earth.
Intelligence & Will & Wisdom –
Divinity espressing itself as Will – the Will to Be, the Will to Love.
The Will to Serve. The Will to Know.
And to make Right Choice. And take Right Action.
Because we are Divine. love, Risa

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