Wednesday,  October 2, 2024- 5pm

Wednesday, October 2, 2024- 5pm

Post #2 – Rosh Hashanah begins. A two day festival.
The Jewish New Year.
We greet each other with the words – L’Shanah Tova – may we all have a Sweet New Year.
On the table…
Apple cake w/ honey & ruby red pomegranites.**
For the 1st night of Rosh Hashanah.
The Jewish new year, recognizing the magical creation
of earth & her kingdoms & her people.
The 7 days of Creation – we have not yet reached
the 7th day –
And so….a greeting – may the coming year be
sweet & kind, good & prosperous, peaceful & filled with Goodwill for everyone.
L-shanah tova to everyone.
Disciples participate in all of humanity’s religious
festivals. Each festival, each religion a developmental stage for humanity.
**Pomegranates, one-of-a-kind beautiful, mythical, symbolic and even Biblical fruit. Pomegranates are celebrated as part of the Rosh Hashanah meal as a symbol of abundance, knowledge and righteousness.

Joining with our Jewish brothers & sisters. And praying for peace in the MidEast, the solar plexus of the Earth. love, Risa

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

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