Wednesday, May 8, 2024- 10am

Wednesday, May 8, 2024- 10am

Today, May 8, 2024.
The Jewel in the Lotus – a bud in the heart, then an unfoldment of the bud’s petals, then full unfoldment – when the personality lifts itself in full surrender to the Light of the Soul.

Two symbols are taking form as the basis for the coming civilization – the lotus & the flaming torch. These appear in the dream life of the aspirant. These dreams happen in the Hall of Learning for aspirants. And in the Hall of Wisdom for disciples.
The first is on the emotional plane. The second is on the mental plane.
White Lotus Day.
May 8 every year – today May 8, 2024.
White Lotus Day celebrates Madame Helena BLavstsky, the first person to bring the Ageless & Ancient Wisdom teachings from the east to the west. From the Tibetan caves to the eyes & ears of humanity in the west.

White Lotus Day
In her will, HPB suggested that her friends might gather together on the anniversary of her death (May 8, 1891) and read from Sir Edwin Arnold’s The Light of Asia and from The Bhagavad Gita. Lotuses grew in unusual profusion one year later. Hence, May 8 became known as White Lotus Day.

White Lotus Day is a celebration of Theosophists (organization founded by H. Blavatsky – saying “there is nothing higher than the Truth.” May 8th celebrates the anniversary of the death of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, founder of the Theosophical Society.

Lotus as Metaphor
White Lotus Day is a celebration that encourages meditation about the metaphor of the lotus. The lotus is born under the mud, growing through the water to achieve the surface, and therefore the air and the light of sun. This growth is identified with man’s life, born in earth but desiring the elevation to the air; representing his middle stage between animals and the ultimate reality.
The seeds of lotus contain (even before they germinate) perfectly formed leaves, a miniature shape of what they would become. This flower is often present in eastern religions, which were key influences in the Theosophical Movement.

Lotus (Gr.). A most occult plant, sacred in Egypt, India and elsewhere; called “the child of the Universe bearing the likeness of its mother in its bosom”. There was a time “when the world was a golden lotus” (padma) says the allegory. A great variety of these plants, from the majestic Indian lotus, down to the marsh-lotus (bird’s foot trefoil) and the Grecian “Dioscoridis”, is eaten at Crete and other islands. It was first introduced from India to Egypt to which it was-not indigenous.

“The Lotus, as a Universal Symbol”.

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