Wednesday, May 1, 2024- 10am

Wednesday, May 1, 2024- 10am

Post #1 – Wednesday.
From Risa.
Only a few can hear these words.
For some reason some people think I should not state what I see think sense & feel about what is occurring in our United States.
I have in my astrology chart the same astrological North & South Node (past/future/present dharma) as the United States.
The astrological planets of the US chart all connect to my natal astrology chart. I am very connected to, love & am deeply concerned about our country.
I have written much about the purpose of our country –
– “to stand in the Light & lead humanity within & towards that Light.”
I teach the Wisdom Teachings.
The Wisdom Teachings with their esoteric astrological foundation CONTAIN that Light. Light contain information (which humanity both seeks & needs – consciously or unconsciously).
Teachers teach information. When the information is true & real, it enlightens minds. Information, when true & real, becomes knowledge which becomes wisdom.
The keynote of Taurus – the sign of enlightenment, the sign of the Buddha is this – “I see (we see when we have true information), & when the Eye (Ajna center, diamond light center that reveals the Path) is opened, ALL is Light.”
It’s the Light that contains the information that humanity needs.
Wisdom Teachers teach within and thru & about that Light.
And so…
I don’t just post quotes from the blue books or from different spiritual teachers & assume readers will understand on their own.
I look out at the world & see what is occurring & then I connect the astrology of the situation, event, country, person to the wisdom teachings. Then the events, people, spiritual information & astrology posted all have a context. And real learning can take place.
Everything is about relationships.

The actions & power & destructive mechanisms of the Dark Forces that we see on our planet at this time, all over the world, YET FOCUSED in our country, the United States of Amercia, are purposeful. There are many reasons.
1. The US is called the New Jerusalem (new city of Peace). This is anathema to the F/Darkness whose function is war.
2. The Forces of Darkness are from Atlantean times. The consequences of the evil wrought upon the planet & humanity at that time was the total destruction of the lands & 98% of the people. The lands & the people, at first destroyed, had to be “remade” again.
The door to evil at that time (Atlantean time) was not closed. Therefore the same dark forces have shown up again – at first during WW1, then with Hitler & WW2, & now….they have targetted the United States & its people.

The dark forces are very very clever. They are dark magicians.
They have the same information as the Forces of Light.
However, the dark forces have no love. It is love that will win in the end. However, humanity needs to see the dark & discern what IS the dark, & make a choice as to which path they will follow (each of us makes this choice).
We follow the path of darkness or the Path of Light.
This is our free choice.
However, how do we choose when we are confused? Our minds confused by the darkness clothed in a false light?
That is humanity’s test at this time.
To discern the falseness, to be able to choose the Light.
Or not.

The F/Darkness are magicians & they are very very clever.
They clothe themselves in a false light, offer false information & tempt the people w/ false power.
Overall they enslave the people w/ false teachings.
This is called entrainment. They target the young people.
We see the outcome in the protests on campuses these past weeks. It is destructive. Which is the purpose of the F/Darkness.
We are in the Kali Yuga. The time when the darkness is allowed to be seen. Again, so humanity can make a choice – between the darkened path or the Path of Light.

The F/Darkness have taken over our government (most gov officials – all of the left, much of the right). The F/ Darkness have captured the minds of a percentage of the wealthy (called globalists). They maintain control due to their greed for money & power. Our government has thus become a lawless destructive institution, following no rules.
The F/Darkness have taken over the field of science (creation of, lies about, death due to Covid). They have taken over the field of medicine (we have no doctors anymore, & the medical schools are no longer teaching true medicine). And they have taken over the education of our children, our food supply, and overall have affected detrimentally all the endeavors of humanity especially in our country. The F/Darkness have taken over our actual land, a country the entire world looks to for freedom.

The F/Darkness capture leaders as well as vulnerable emotionally oriented young ones. They clothe their minds in violent rhetoric leading to lawlessness. They have no ethics or morals. They teach hatred to the young ones. Until a great mass of hate, destruction & darkness begins to cover our country (& our world.) Which is presently occurring. And the best way to do it is through the country’s young ones, the vulnerable ones.

In Between the Ages
We are moving from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius. Each Age is 2500 years long (with 500 years preparation, so the Age of Aquarian began in the Renaissance). When in between the Ages, there is great chaos & turmoil. The people, land, countries are vulnerable – as the old ways are passing away & the new have not yet been created. This is why Libra comes in in between the Ages…to offer humanity a balance & a harmony & the Laws thru the transition. It is a very convenient time for the F/Darkness to enter into humanity in between the Ages, as humanity can feel confused & seek whatever stabilizes them. It was the same situation with the Hebrews & Moses – Moses was the leader of the Hebrew people as they walked from Egypt (Taurus Age) to Canaan (Aries Age). They were vulnerable and confused. But they had Moses. However, Moses went up to the mountain & remained there for a long time communing with God. The Hebrew people became frightened that they lost their leader in the wilderness. So they turned back to what they knew – they turned back to the licentiousness, immorality, to unrestrained sexuality, to depravity, to the deep unskillfull actions at the end of of the Taurus Age (Age of deep materiality – the golden calf).

At the end of the Piscean Age (Rays 2 & 6), there is a withdrawing of the unskillful energies of Ray 6 (fanaticism) – but the F/Darkness capitalize on this fanaticism. And in their entrainment of young minds, instill within them fanaticism itself! We see this in the mideast & now we see this fanaticism (it’s like a hypnosis) sweeping our country amidst the young ones.

The United States just had its first transit of Pluto on its Pluto.
The US also at this time has transiting Chiron on its Chiron. There is a transformation occurring in our country & a great wounding (loss of freedoms, destruction of the Constitution thus lawlessness, etc.) taking place.

On a lighter note – it’s May Day today.
Night Light News is updated & all about May Day.
Mary’s Day.
The crowning of Mary – Queen of the World.
Mary we crown thee with flowers today.
Queen of the Angels. Queen of the May.
Read Night Light News –

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

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