Wednesday,  March 5, 2025- 1pm

Wednesday, March 5, 2025- 1pm

News & Notes – a Conversation This Morning on Lent.
Sharing with everyone.
Multiple levels. See if you can follow along.
Today –
Wednesday, March 5, 2025 –
Lent begins today – its first day.
Wednesday is always Mercury’s day – the Messenger.
Sharing with everyone our morning conversation in our Esoteric Group.

Take notes everyone.
And ask questions if there are any for understanding.
And respond too.
What was understood?
What meaning came forth for everyone?
How will each of us participate in Lent?

This is a conversation – a mind walk concerning Lent, including the Jewish & Christian teachings, esoteric teachings, astrology, our president, his talk last night, our present country & world, the time now & the times to come.

40 days & 40 nights (time of Saturn) of preparation for Spring & for Easter (April 20th), Sunday, Resurrection Festival.
Ashes in the form of a cross on our forehead so that we will remember. Saturn – the Law.

Biblical Symbol Understood Esoterically
Christ (the World Teacher) in the desert for 40 days & nights.
Christ (Archangel from Sirius, who overshadowed Jesus, the man, at the Baptism at the River Jordan), in the desert story is learning how to use the physical body of Jesus in order to fulfill His mission on Earth for humanity.
Christ lived through all the experiences & sufferings & initiations all of humanity experiences.

Christ’s life is a Teaching for humanity – about our sufferings, experiences & our Initiations. He was the Piscean World Teacher. He is also at the precipice of being the Aquarian World Teacher, the precipitation to begin this year – thus it is a most important time to participate in Lent.

Lent This Year 2025 –
Preparing for the Reappearance of the Christ.
Preparing ourselves for the Golden Age of Aquarius.

The President’s Talk Last Night Interesting the timing of events – that the Prez spoke last night, the night before Lent.
The Prez talked about the Law – about purification & cleansing. Looking out at Congress which has to do with the Law. One half responding with love & joy, the other half no response, no action, inertia, including falsifying the information & hatred towards the Prez!

Words From the Bible:
We might read these words from the bible from Joel, describing all that the true Prez said to Congress, the people in our country & the world. We might apply these words from the Bible.
Joel 2:1-2

Blow the trumpet in Zion;
sound the alarm on my holy hill.
Let all who live in the land tremble,
for the day of the LORD is coming.
It is close at hand—
2 a day of darkness and gloom,
a day of clouds and blackness.
Like dawn spreading across the mountains
a large and mighty army comes,
such as never was in ancient times
nor ever will be in ages to come.

Ashes Today
And thus ashes are place on our foreheads in the form of a cross.
What do the ashes & the cross mean?
In the Christian church, ashes are placed on our foreheads with the words….
“Remember, O personality (physical body, emotions, lower mind) from dust thou hast been made & unto dust (at death) thou shalt return.”

We are not our personalities. We are Souls living a physical life existence on Earth, a Mystery School, & each lifetime we experience a series of Initiations.

Christ’s Life
Christ’s entire three years on Earth exemplified the Initiations.
1. Birth (Bethlehem – House of Bread).
2.Baptism (Water & Fire),
3. Transfiguration (our essence is that of the light of the Soul). 4. Crucifixion (death of our personality, the Causal Body protecting the Soul shatters).
5. Resurrection (new spiritual life).

President’s Address (last night) He looked out last night into congress – one side joyful & applauding, recognizing & respecting his “job”, task given to him by the people.
The other side, remaining glumly & like a gray cloud, in the past, unable to come forth.
Looking out from his eyes….calling everyone to unity, ½ of Congress unable to.
It’s a brand-new day now in our country & our world.
The side unable to clap & be joyful, to unite & join with lifegivingness will need to be left behind.

Saturn/Jupiter From Saturn (new structure) to Jupiter (expansion of livingness).
We can’t get to Jupiter until we go thru Saturn – follow & respect the law, have an intelligent thinking mind, then wisdom & love follow.
When we are called to create a new template of purification in our personalities – physical body, emotional/astral & lower mind, so the Light of the Soul (Transfiguration Initiation) call stream into our bodies. For individuals, groups, countries, the entire world.

A time when we are called to enter into a time of purification – a time of Saturn. A time of loosening our habits, seeing what our limitations are, seeing what our temptations are.
And then choosing to let their hold on us to fall away.
40 days, 40 nights –

Mars – testing. Saturn – new structures.
Mars & Saturn rules the personality –
A time of testing (Scorpio) & a time of creating a new structure (Saturn).
In order to prepare for new life – Springtime, Easter, Resurrection Festival, Three Spring festivals. BUT MOST OF ALL, FOR THE REAPPEARANCE, AS THIS IS the year of the Reappearance.

End of Two Major Cycles.
Saturn & Neptune in Pisces – the end of a huge 2,500 & a 25,000-year cycle.
Completing our temptations not to go back to the old Ray 6 habits – maya glamours illusions.
Note: We saw last night those who remained in the old ways.
Glum & filled with intertie, unable to see & applaud the new.
They were called out.

Lent –
A Mars/Saturn process – testing & disciplining the personality.
During these days – temptations come in.
The Christ, when He was on Earth, went thru & thus taught all the Initiations humanity (each of us) go thru – we set aside the word Alleluia until the Day of Easter/Resurrection. Alleluia! Christ is risen; He is risen indeed, Alleluia!”

These are the Initiations:
Birth, Baptism, Transfiguration (Christ’s Transfiguration on the mountain, revealing His divine nature to Peter, James and John before He set His face toward Jerusalem, where He would accomplish the world’s salvation by His death and resurrection for us), Crucifixion & Resurrection.

Note: Retrogrades
During Lent both Venus & Mercury are retrograde in Aries.
A time of inner listening, inner attentiveness, inner work.
A new identity of self comes forth for humanity.

Venus/Mercury are rulers of Gemini – higher & lower mind, body
& Soul. Unified.

New World – Astrology The day after Easter T Saturn joins T North Node in Pisces.
A completion.
Time to move forward now….into the new world.
Something has been completed.

Before that time, Solar eclipse (essential somethings fall away) March 29th, 9 degrees Aries. #9 is Initiation.
The next day, Neptune, Ray 6 enters Aries (1/7).
A whole new world & order of things begin (Aries)

Venus direct at the full moon & Passover begins, March 29th.

Jupiter offers us the Law & Saturn administers the Law.
The Law is what keeps all things, all of life in divine order.

Question: Can we meet the temptations of each day?
For 40 days & 40 nights?
Disciples need to be in full alignment, expanded into the Light, to help humanity in the times to come.
Lent is our preparation together.
love, Risa

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

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