Wednesday,  March 12, 2025- 11am

Wednesday, March 12, 2025- 11am

Virgo Moon today, opposite Pisces Sun.
The opposites, each a shadow to the other.
Each a longing for the other to integrate.
Full Moon tomorrow night.
The Pisces solar festival (24 degrees Pisces).
And the Virgo moon which is eclipsed.
Something in form & matter has falled away, will fall away.
It’s purpose completed. Then something new appears.

Virgo Moon today – order & organization.
Sun joins Saturn today – a serious structured sort of day.
And so interesting I am reading about de cluttering – of sorting thru, giving away, selling, lessening the material things around me during this Lenten time.

Virgo is the sign of order & organization.
Lent is a time of purification.
Saturn, ruling both Aquarius & Capricorn, offers us the opportunity to scale back, scale down, to limit ourselves to only what is needed.
Remembering beauty is needed above all.

During these days of Lent I am reading the Esoteric Pilgrim’s Catechism. A dialogue between the Teacher & pilgrim/student. I will post one a day. For contemplation.


[Page 209 Initiation Human & Solar]
The following are some words from Archive XIII of the Masters’ Records, that carry with them a message for the pilgrim, student, struggling on the Way. They are somewhat on the line of an old catechism, and used to be recited by the participants in the lesser mysteries before they passed on into the greater.

What seest thou, O Pilgrim? Lift up thine eyes and tell what thou beholdest?

I see a ladder, mounting within the vault of blue, its feet lost sight of in the mists and fogs that circle round our planet.

Daffodil Deva, 1970.
We are vibrating in the garden. Wherever you turn there is gladness greeting you from our yellow color. After winter we show beauty which is the purpose of God. The spring flowers symbolize renewal. It is a joy, a fluidic state, a changing happy flow in spring when on every side plants & flowers are magically blossoming & each color calls until a carpet of color appears & where there was nothing to there is something, and the air is full of sound, movement, spring tingling. We relish the excitement of this time. After spring we are quiet til next spring. Our consciousness as daffodil is distinct, but of the whole like ocean spray. Our separation is a movement of the whole, of the One, from & returning to the One. This is our All. Hence the joy. Life is joy. In spring time we express it for all to see.”
From the Dafodil Deva.
Dorothy Maclean Flower Messages, 1970.

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