Wednesday,  January 22, 2025- 9am

Wednesday, January 22, 2025- 9am

True President as a Disciple (see below).
The Transits today in the heavens.
Scorpio (4) moon today, Aquarius (5) Sun & Pluto. (1)
January 22, 2025 – Mercury’s (4) Day, Wednesday.
Ray 4 day of Harmony emerging from conflict & chaos.
Very few transits & movements of the moon today.

The moon hiding within the folds of Scorpio in deep dark waters and hearing the call to Discipleship – the moon is the people.
Moon in Scorpio (4) =
– inconjuncts Jupiter (2) in Gemini (2)
– trines Saturn (3) in Pisces (2) &
– inconjuncts Chiron in Aries (1/7).

Inconjuncts are angles between planets/signs that are 150 degrees apart, their elements are uneasy with each other –

Gemini is air, Pisces is water & Aries is fire- the elements can bypass each other unless we bring in one of the Rays from the Big Dipper that brings about a harmonious connection.

Rays –
Scorpio/Gemini – Rays 4 & 2 – even rays.
Scorpio/Pisces – Rays 4 & 2 – even rays.
Scorpio/Aries – Rays 4 & 1 & 7 – even & odd rays.
We have to look at the rulers of Scorpio & Aries & their Rays – Scorpio’s rulers are Pluto (1) & Mars (6) & Mercury (4).
Aries rulers are Mars (4), Mercury (4) & Uranus (7).
How then does Scorpio moon & Aries come together?
It takes a thinking mind to sort it out.
We are al to be T/thinkers – cultivating our thinking minds.
Then we are able to reach the Soul.

Tomorrow’s transits are very complex.
Today we have a bit of rest.
Let us see what our tasks are today.
And complete them with ease & harmony, love & beauty.
At the end of the day we review the day.
And we see the day was good.
The beginning contains the end & the end contains the beginning.
This is the oroboros – a dragon, swallowing its tail, signifying wholeness or infinity.
Next week – Chinese New Year of the green wood snake begins.

Function of the Disciple – from book Telepathy, p. 5.
It should be borne in mind that the function of a disciple is to focus a stream of energy of some special kind upon the physical plane where it can become an attractive centre of force and draw to itself similar types of ideas and thought currents which are not strong enough to live by themselves or to make a sufficiently strong impact upon the human consciousness. In union is strength

About our true president as a Disciple.
This quote reflects what the true prez (a DIsciple) does every time he communicates. He says something over & over for humanity to finally hear & understand. Whatever he draws attention to in his communication, he strengthens it, then the masses are able to recognize it. His Uranus Sun North Node shocks people on purpose – it shocks people into awakening & then it attracts & magnetizes people –
Gemini (2) w/ Leo (Regulus, Ray 2, MAGA, MAGIC) Rising –
Ray 2 – love/wisdom in his communication.
And his Leo (loving leadership) rising.
The true prez is both the Dweller (points out what is needed) & the Angel of the Presence – Saturn/Venus.
He synthesizes what is needed, reaching into the Light & brings it down to meet the needs of humanity. Then a synthesis occurs.

He said his proudest legacy is a Peacemaker & Unifier. His Gemini & his Libra in his chart.

DK talks about the purpose of the three air signs – the mind of God – Gemini, Libra & Aquarius (in Esoteric Astrology).

Alas, those who cannot see or hear or understand the essence of our true president. love, Risa

Gemini – love/wisdom
Libra – harmony/balance.
Aquarius – humanity’s freedom.

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

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