Wednesday,  February 5, 2025- 7am

Wednesday, February 5, 2025- 8am

A STORY – A resistance. statement. A response. A teaching.
And questions for all of us to hear, to research, to know & to realize.
About the Aquarian Age & the leadership positions (a sacred job/task) in our world.

And so…
Aquarius Sun, Mercury, Pluto. (depth of discussion today).
Mars retrograde – inner contemplation of what is presented.
Taurus moon – things are revealed.
Mars in Cancer – the truth nurtures & nourishes us.

Today is Mercury’s day, Wednesday, February 5, 2025.
Mercury is Ray 4 – a harmony that emerges from conflicts.

Note: upcoming.
The Aquarian Salon is this Friday, February 8th. Everyone is invited. It’s about the Aquarian Age, what is it?

The Story
I was speaking with a group about the 11th Labor of Hercules.
You remember it, yes? What that labor is?
Aquarius, the light that shines on earth & across the seas.
The light that purifies until the dark is gone?
Allowing the waters of life to pour forth for thirsty humanity.

The Aquarian Labor.
The labor 11th (Aquarius) Hercules had to complete – that of cleaning the “Augean stables” from the filth dung darkness & pestilence that had fallen upon a town & village & it was making the people ill because the king didn’t care about the people & the village & so the village & nothing could grow in the village & the people were dying.

The Teacher gave Hercules the task, the job (description), of cleaning up the town. And so Hercules set about cleaning the town by diverting two rivers that flowed around the town. He diverted the waters so they could flow into the “stables” (town, village) & the waters could cleanse & purify.

True Prez Accomplishing the 11th Labor.
In my talk I likened this “Aquarian labor the 11th”, the cleansing of the stables, to the work the true president is doing (quickly, swiftly), in our country, the U.S.) after the terrible work the “last king” & his cohorts did – cleaning up the destruction & selling off of our country, so our people & our country & our world can begin to thrive again. To be free (Aquarian quality).

Well, there was a swift reaction (not a response but a reaction!).
I was told quite severely not to mix politics with “precious sacred teachings.”

This was unsettling because I thought of the people involved in the reaction as esotericists, who (should) know there is no separation in all the many endeavors of humanity.
In terms of Politics & government – there is an actual spiritual & esoteric Seed Group called Politics!

I did not respond immediately.
I wondered for a day & a half what is the right response here? How DO I respond? What is needed here?
The answer is & could be quite complex. I didn’t want to meander about with my words. I wanted to be clear & succinct & esoteric.

Here is my response & the late questions posed.
Note: the questions at the end.
They are for all of us to answer, to research.
For all of us to know the answers. Because it has to do with the new Aquarian era & our time now.

It is also important to know that in terms of world leaders –
WHAT is to be respected?
What do we focus on? What do we observe?
The JOB that the leader is to perform.
We do NOT focus on the the personality of the leader.

My first questions.
1. what do you really feel, what do you really think of our U.S. president?
2. Isn’t everything precious & sacred?

3. Isn’t our world, what we see in our world, aren’t our leaders, isn’t everyone & everything “precious & sacred?”

4. Two Ways of Understanding Politics.
There are two ways of looking at the Wisdom Teachings & Politics. The old way & the new way. (White Magic, p. 633)
The old way has the Wisdom Teachings & Politics as antagonistic to each other. Everything is an “ideal” but the two realities cannot touch or be discussed together. They are separate (this is the Piscean, Ray 6 idealism way). It silences!

The NEW way – the Aquarian Way –
The Wisdom Teachings (whose foundation is the art & science & observations of the Astrological energies) are applied to all that we see in our world, to all leaders, events, countries, people. There is no separation. Everything is “precious”, everything interacting with everything else.
This is the Aquarian Way, Ray 7, anchoring a discussion, uniting the different realities, creating a new archetype of interaction Way – it allows for freedom of communication).

Specific Questions for the Aquarian Age.
I then offered these questions (below) to the Group.
And I post them here for everyone to read, study, research & answer.
Many of the answers have been posted in the Teachings here.
If everyone has read my posts each day, the answers are there & they are also in the blue books.

Questions to Ponder.

Why I refer to the US president – applying the Aquarian Labor to his actions. There is much to know esoterically in the answers to the questions below – which helps to understand my statement referring to the true prez & the Aquarian labor.

Do We All Know….

1, Why a person is given (world) leadership tasks? Especially leadership of a nation, of the world?

2. The astrology of the US president (Trump) & how it interfaces w/ the US astrology chart?

3. The Spiritual Task of the United States?

4. When the World Teacher appears, what is He coming for?

5. The difference between the Piscean way of viewing politics & the Aquarian Way of viewing politics?

6. When, in the course of 2500 years, the true unity of the Aquarian Age will come forth?

7. What is the first thing that must happen as we enter the atmosphere of the Aquarian Age?

8. What Leo’s tasks are concerning the creation of the new era, the Aquarian Age?

9. The specific task of the Aquarian Labor of Hercules?

10. The Spiritual Seed Group called Politics? Its purpose?

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

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