DAILY POSTINGSWednesday, December 4, 2024- 9am
Dark Magicians not allowed here.
This field is protected.
We step aside, like Aikido, allowing the arrows of darkness to simply fly by…anchoring themselves into the earth for purification.
The Astrology Today & what’s in the Heavens.
Wednesday, Mercury’s day. Ray 4 day.
Today is December 4, 2024.
Ray 4 – Humanity seeking harmony from confusion conflict & chaos.
Complex day today – multiple moon contacts.
Moon in Sagittarius until 3:34pm (PT). Then a 5 hour moon v/c.
Til 8:21pm (PT, when the moon enters Aquarius.
Today –
Mercury (4) opposite Jupiter (2).
Sun (1/5) square Saturn (3).
Venus (5) sextile Neptune (6).
Mercury (4) opposite Jupiter (2) (Sag/Gemini).
Wherever Jupiter is, something expanding & occurring.
Something loving & wise too as Jupiter is Ray 2.
Oppositions mean there’s something over there somewhere with information (Mercury) needed that will expand (Jupiter) our lives. It may be in shadows at first (retrogrades).
However, it’s very important for love & freedom & direction are involved.
In Retrogrades – we become a bit like Virgo – where inner information is revealed in detail. We are able to organize the information, assess & dissect it, understand it better in the retrogrades.
This last information about retrogrades is most important.
Some people are afraid of retrogrades.
But retrogrades reveal so much information only appearing during retrograde times.
And so, note, both Mercury & Jupiter are retrograde – so interesting!
Note Mercury is in Sag retro.
Jupiter is in Gemini retro.
Jupiter rules Sag & Mercury rules Gemini!
This is an integration of energies!
Venus (5) sextile Neptune (6) (Cap/Pisces). Capricorn helps Pisces with structure & Pisces helps Capricorn to loosen up a bit. They love each other & are friends.
The intelligence of Venus. The refinement of Neptune.
Sextiles are friendly.
Sun square Saturn – squares offer us a challenge, a new direction, an anchoring, a choice.
Sun in Sag (4, 5, 6) & Saturn (3) in Pisces (2/6) –
Sun illuminating the journey (Sag) & the direction (Saturn) offered that helps to save (Pisces) humanity.
Calling each of us to serve (educate via Goodwill) humanity.
Note the many Rays flowing thru this transit.
The Moon today – touches in with Chiron, Uranus, Neptune Venus Aquarius & Pluto. The moon is busy today.
And so then are we.
In the sky & upcoming!
In the sky – Moon Venus Castor/Pollux & the Beehive.
Friday – Mars retrogrades at 6 degrees Leo.
Where is that sign & degree in everyone’s chart.
Mars retrograde is significant…
And so…December Calendar –
1. in our first week of Advent.
2. Dec. 6. St. Nicholas Feast Day, Mars stations retrograde at 7 degrees Leo.
3. Neptune stations direct – Dec. 7.
3. Pearl Harbor Day & Letter writing day – Dec. 7.
3. Immaculate Conception of Mary – Dec. 8. – 2nd Sunday of Advent, honoring the plant kingdom – faith is the 2nd candle.
4. Santa Lucia feast day, Dec. 13.
5. Full moon festivals, Sagittarius solar festival – Dec. 15.
3rd Sunday of Advent – the rose colored candle, joy, honoring the animal kingdom.
Also – Mercury stations direct 6.42 degrees Sag.
6. We begin a study for 2 months of Right Human Relations – Dec. 20.
7. Winter Solstice – Yule, Sun enters Capricorn – Dec. 21.
8. 4th Sunday of Advent – violet colored candle, Love, honoring the human kingdom.
8. Christmas Day – lighting the central white candle on the Advent wreath – Dec. 25.
Hanukkah begins Christmas evening.
So now we know & prepare together. love, Risa