Wednesday,  Decemeber 18, 2024- 11am

Wednesday, December 18, 2024- 11am

On the Way to Bethlehem.
On the way to winter solstice.
To Christmas & Hanukkah – two festivals of light.
The stars form the guide – Great Bear, Pleiades & Sirius guide us.
They are the Hierarchy for humanity.
The Adept follows the stars, fishing the souls to restore them to the Pathway. Gates open wide, boat launches on the ocean, stars guide the boats, fishermen sails. Fishing of man. Ohm.

From the very night of time, as well you know, the period wherein the sun moves northward again has been regarded as a festival season; for thousands of years it has been associated with the coming of the Sun-God to save the world, to bring light and fruitfulness to the Earth and through the work of the Son of God to bring hope to humanity.

God in the flesh — availed Himself of this period and came to us in the dark of the year and initiated a new era in which light was to be the distinguishing note. This has been true from several angles, even from the purely physical, for today we have a lighted world; everywhere lights are to be seen and the pitch dark nights of olden times are fast disappearing. Light has also descended on the earth in the form of the “light of knowledge.” Today, education whose objective is to lead all men on to a “lighted way,” is the keynote of our civilisation and is a major pre-occupation in all countries. The removal of illiteracy, the development of a true culture and the ascertaining of truth in all fields of thought and of research are of paramount importance in all lands.

The message of the birth of Christ rings ever new but is not today understood. The emphasis during the Aquarian Age, the age into which we are fast entering, will shift away from Bethlehem to Jerusalem, and from the infant Saviour to the Risen Christ. Pisces has seen, during two thousand years, the spreading light; Aquarius will see the Rising Light, and of both of these the Christ is the eternal symbol.

Winter solstice to sunrise…the new light to the new world, the hew hope. watching the sunrise on the ocean each early morning. these hours stimulate creativity for the day. A time of quiet reflectivity – then the sunrise happens & electromagnetic waves come forth in the red & orange hues of the morning – they energize all the levels of the bodies on earth. this happens in a greater degree during winter solstice. Resets our circadian rhythms each morning at dawn. Each day’s sunrise corresponds to winter solstice.

Capricorn is ruled by Saturn – which is about time – a new time, a new stimulation, a new day for humanity. Up the mountain of Capricorn, ascending into the spiritual realms. Sagittarius, 4, 5, 6. Capricorn 1, 3, 7 – anchoring all that came before it into the Earth, into the hearts of humanity. The Will (Ray 1) of God into the minds (Ray 3) of humanity & anchors (Ray 7) this creative knowing into the hearts & minds of humanity creating a new rhythm & creativity.

The reddish Rays of the Sun – life giving force for humanity each morning at dawn.

Entering a time of holiness now.
Three days before the Winter Solstice, the Doors of Initiation open. We stand together at those open doors, having prepared each day for this time of the year.
Ra – the Sun – RAdiation of light upon humanity, the new light.
with love, Risa 🌲🕎🌴💚

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