Wednesday,  Decemeber 11, 2024- 11am

Wednesday, December 11, 2024- 11am

Prayer at the of the text today. To recite together.
Today – moon squaring planets today.
What ARE the square for?
What are at the four points of the Square?
Four colors, four angels, four words, etc.
What are they?
Only the White Magicians Know…
And so…
Standing at the Four Corners of the Square.
At each corner Four Angels, four Colors & Four Words.
Be Pure, Dedicate, Love & Serve.

Today & everyday, now that we know of them.
We stand with the angels, knowing of them.
We utter the four sacred words.

Today, Wednesday, December 11, 2024.
Taurus (4) moon today, Sagittarius (4, 5, 6) Sun & Mercury. (4)
Lots of squares today with the moon –
Moon square Pluto (Ray 1 – will, transformations).
Moon square Venus (Ray 5 – intelligence love based on truth).
Moon square Mars (Ray 6 – hopes, wishes, dreams visions, desires & aspirations).

Squares are good – they call us into a new direction & ask us to anchor there. I am presently in a new place, a new direction seeking to anchor here – & it would take a miracle for this to occur.

Also today…Lots or Ray 4 today.
Moon (4) inconjunct Mercury (Ray 4 – harmony thru chaos & conflict, the seeds of harmony seeking to emerge, giving us time to discover this, when we do, when we realize within conflict & chaos is harmony, a new level, then our behaviors are directed toward the resolution of conflict & chaos & we become that harmony. We become the Harmonizer(s).

Squares in astrology offer us a challenge to move in a different direction. They anchor a new realities. Look at the square – we are unable to move forward in the same direction, we have to turn 90 degrees – taking a new path forward.
At the points of the squares we find the Four Angels.

“At the four corners of the square, the four angelic… are seen. Orange they are, but veiled in rosy light. Within each form the yellow flame is seen and round each form the blue…

“Four words they utter forth, one for each human race, but not the sacred sound which bringeth forth the seventh. Two words have died away, four sound today. One sounds in realms so high that man can enter not as man. Thus are the seven words of man ringing around the square, passing from mouth to mouth.

“Each day of man the words take form and different seem.
And… the words are as follows.

“From the North a word is chanted forth which means… be pure.

“From the South the word peals out: I dedicate and…

“From the East, bringing a light divine, the word comes swinging round the square: Love all.,

“From the West, answer is thrown back: I serve.”

This is a faint effort to express in English these ancient Atlantean phrases, older than Sanskrit or Senzar, and known only to a mere handful of the members of the present hierarchy. But in the thoughts of purity, dedication, love and service, are summed up the nature and the destiny of man, and it should be remembered that they do not stand for so-called spiritual qualities, but for potent occult forces, dynamic in their incentive and creative in their result. This should be pondered on carefully by all aspirants.

Prayer for comfort in these changeable times.
Recited each day, each morning, each evening, every morning.
O Lord, O Mother, O Sustainer, O Lord of the World.
and also my Soul…
With your blessed love…anticipate my every need.
Sustain me according to Thy Will.
So I can become stronger & whether the seasons of my life.
with love, Risa

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