Wednesday, April 17, 2024- 7am

Wednesday, April 17, 2024- 7am

Mercury’s Day today.
The color is golden yellow, all its hues & tones.
I see each day – the Kingdom is colorful!
And so, what am I thinking of today?

“Reconnecting (with) all that words may have separated.”
Reconnecting all that words may have separated.
Reconnecting all things, people, etc. that words used may have created a separation.

What in our lives is separated & what needs reconnecting?
This is what I am thinking of today.
What are you thinking of today?

It is an interesting statement to ponder.
On this Mercury, Ray 4 (harmony emerging from conflict & chaos) day.
(Note: I have a question at the end of this posting -who would like to help create something?)

Today, Wednesday (Mercury’s day)…

Our last two days of Aries (1 & 7) – a new cycle of manifestation begins.

And so….
Leo moon today – Wednesday, April 17, 2024.
Leo, the sign of the heart, of creativity, of Love itself.
Leo (1 & 5) moon (4) today. Nurturing our creative selves.
Leo is the sign of Love (the heart of the matter).
When there is love, there is inspiration to create something new & bright & to give it away!
Leo is the 5th sign & house (area of life) on the astrology wheel.
The 5th house is that of children & of creation.
When we love, we create – Leo.

The sign of Leo is most important at this time.
Usually it remains in the shadows when we speak of the Aquarian Age. As Leo is the opposite sign of Aquarius.
However….Leo is most important in the creation of the new Era, that of Aquarius (5 with the heart of Jupiter, Ray 2).
As the Aquarian Age begins to unfold, as the Sun enters into the atmosphere & architecture of Aquarius (for the next 2,500 years)- two principles stand out.

1. Leo, the opposite sign of Aquarius – is called into play – Aquarius informing humanity – I cannot come forth until all of humanity’s gifts, talents & abilities are cultivated – because it is those gifts, talents & abilities that create the new Era (Aquarius).

2. The Laws & Principles of the new Aquarian Age are to be integrated. As each new age comes forth (each age is 2,500 years long), the World Teacher appears & the new tasks (laws & principles) are given to humanity in order to traverse the new atmosphere & vibration of the new Era.

The Astrology Today & the Rays
The moon (4)in Leo (1 & 5)today is traveling through the heavens. It is touching in on the neighborhoods of Venus (5), Saturn (3), Mercury, (4) Chiron, Mars (6) Jupiter (2) & finally Uranus (7).
Note; all the Rays are involved.
The kingdom thus becomes colorful!

Sun Mercury Venus Chiron are in Aries (1 & 5).
Mars & Saturn are in Pisces (2 & 6).
Jupiter & Uranus are in Taurus (4)- they have a “meet-up” on Saturday – 21 degrees Taurus.
Where is 21 degrees Taurus in everyone’s chart?

Sun enters Taurus (4) on Friday.
Jupiter/Uranus in Taurus on Saturday.
Earth day & the first night of Passover is Monday.
Question: Where is Earth in the astrology chart? Where is it located?

Tuesday is the Full Moon – the 2nd Spring Festival.
The Wesak Buddha Full Moon festival.
4 degrees 18 minutes Taurus. Where is 4 degrees in everyone’s chart?

Following the transits each day is important for disciples.
The heavens have the task of informing humanity on earth about life itself, about timings of change & transformation.
Without this knowledge humanity “sees life through a glass darkly.” And the dharma bull eventually simply falls down.

Calling Readers – who would like to create quizzes?
I would like to ask readers of my postings – would several people like to help me create a weekly quiz based on the weekly postings? Create a quiz to be posted weekly? Perhaps a puzzle based on the teachings/information posted. It should be someones who would find this a fun project…love, Risa

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

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