Tuesday,  October 22, 2024- 9am

Tuesday, October 22, 2024- 9am

Today is Tuesday, October 22, 2024.
For the next two months, ’til December 20th, our focus is on
the Principles of Essential Divinity.
The spark of God within each of us that makes us Divine.
And so…
Countdown – including today, 15 days ’til the election.
Vote early – in person. Track your vote after voting.
Find out how on Google.
Dark Forces trying to flip the narrative again. Shifting the algorhythms.
Be ready for whatever occurs.

Today & tomorrow, our last days of Sukkot.
The Sukkah is an art form, temporary homes in nature, open to the stars, made of everyday materials & items from the plant kingdom – citron, barley, wheat, willow, etc.
Those (strangers) who walk by the Sukkah are to be invited in, nourished & comforted. They may be angels.

Today – Tuesday is Mars day – Ray 6 day – visions, hopes, wishes, dreams (unskillful – fanaticism & emotional fervor, religious fervor that destroys one’s mental capacities).
Humanity was created on the 6th day.
The 7th Day hasn’t arrived yet. God is resting, watching, observing His Creations. How are we doing?

This last week I have been writing about specific things.
About the vote, how one comes to the vote (informed or reactive), and about the commercialization of art (Magritte’s painting selling for 80 million!) & the alternative to that commercialization – Every day art, celebrating the ordinary.
Today I am posting part 3 of the Arte Povera – people’s art.

And Matthew’s art – before his devastating accident. Matthew
cannot yet use his hands & he is still somewhat unable to see so he cannot pursue his art at this time. I will post his art today – he is a found art artist – which is part of the Arte Povera movement.
Matthew my son creates this art. He uses wrenches to create a sculpture. He uses every day found objects to create his art. Below is some of Matthew’s art.
Art of the Ordinary Use of Everyday Things.

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

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