Tuesday,  October 15, 2024- 10am

Tuesday, October 15, 2024- 10am

A complex day today in the heavens.
Tuesday, October 15, 2024.
First, the countdown!
21 days ’til the Nov. 5 election! Exciting times indeed!
Also – upcoming –
Tomorrow at sunset is Sukkot – Jewish festival of constructing temporary housing outside under the stars, remembering the long long 40 year walk from Egypt (Taurus Age) to Canaan, Israel (Aries Age). A lovely & beautiful nature festival/celebration.
Sukkot ends next Wednesday evening, Oct. 23.

Libra Festival Full Moon
Thursday is the full moon (timing mechanism) festival – the Libra solar (Sun) festival at 24.35, degrees/minutes. Where is 24/25 degrees of Libra in everyone’s chart? That is the area of life illuminated by the light of the Libra Sun/Moon (reflecting Libra’s light).
This is the area of balancing, of harmonizing.
It may also be an area wherein choice needs to be made.

Libra’s keynotes:
“Let choice be made.” (personality building learning & opportunity).

“I choose the Way between two great lives of force.” (Soul keynote)
I see the two realities, I understanding the two, & I make my choice between the two.
In my free will I have the ability to choose.
And so “I choose.”
We know that Right Choice is Made When we Align with the Will to Good. Saturn assists us.

The Astrology Today
Pisces Moon, then Aries moon in the afternoon.
From water to fire – from ending to beginnings.
Venus trines Neptune today – Scorpio (4) /Pisces (2/6) – two waters combining.
Ray 5 & Ray 6 – the scientist & the mystic chat together today.
Sharing their information.

We stand in Confidence today & in Aspiration.
Preparing for the full moon Libra Sun festival on Thursday.
4:26 am – Thursday morning, Pacific time.

It is also our Esoteric Group’s 26th birthday.

26 years in the Ashram….love, Risa

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

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