Tuesday,  October 1, 2024- 9am

Tuesday, October 1, 2024- 9am

Tuesday, October 1, 2024. Deep study today.
A Prayer today & a study of the new moon solar eclipse.
A long read & study today – Learning in our Ashram College.

What is here?
1. “Let the Forces of Light Bring Illumination to humanity.”
2. Libra new moon solar eclipse in the houses of our astrology charts. What does that mean? A list for the 12 houses is below.
3. A Prayer each day ’til the vote is both cast & counted. 34 days ‘tl the vote is cast.
4. Preparing for the new moon solar eclipse tomorrow.
5. Understanding 2025 – what it means & the US’s part.
6. Today is Oct. 1, 2024 – Tuesday – Mars, Ray 6 day.
7. Libra Sun, Virgo moon – then Libra moon.
8. The comet tomorrow – along with new moon solar eclipse & Rosh Hashanah!
9. The Kingdom in both realms – heaven & earth is busy!

And so…
The 1st of the Great Invocation being recited (see below).
It is our prayer each day ’til the vote is cast & counted WITHOUT INTERFERENCE (s it was in 2020).
The president chosen for our country(USA) & for it’s spiritual task is most important for the years 2025 onward.
2025 is a pivotal year for humanity & the earth.
It has to do with the Christ’s Reappearance as the World Teacher.

Regarding the Reappearance of the Christ –
2025 is the Year of the Forerunner –
– the year of the 100 Year Conclave of the Hierarchy when the assessment begins as to humanity’s preparedness & when the Christ should precipitate into the Earth directing humanity into the new Aquarian Era.

As the US’s spiritual task for the world is to “stand in the light & lead all of humanity into & within that Light, the right choice for the presidency of the United States for the years 2025 onward is most important. What will humanity in our country choose?
Each of the two choices (the two candidates) has deep significance.

We either move forward into the light with one candidate.
Or fall back into darkness with the other.
It is humanity’s choice. Thus our prayers for humanity’s enlightenment to make the Right Choice.

No wonder the F/Darkness have stalled all education, health & productivity here in the US, confusing & manipulating the minds of humanity to such an extent that 1/2 of our country’s people can no longer see, understand, discern, discriminate or think clearly anymore. Creating the pandemic, the weather wars, the destruction, taking over the government.

For those of us who understanding these things…
The prayer “Let the Forces of Light bring illumination to mankind” is most important to be recited at this time.
Everyone is invited to join in – the prayer is below.

Praying for our Republic, our people, our country & for the true president to come forth.

Our Daily Prayer ’til the Vote.
Joining in together each day.
Using our creative imaginations and our voices (our divine magical gifts) to lift humanity to the Light where Truth leads to Right Choice & Right Actions.

“Let the Forces of Light bring illumination to humanity.
May the Spirit of peace be spread about.
May men (thinkers) of Goodwill everywhere meet in a spirit of cooperation.
May forgiveness on the part of all men be the keynote at this time.
Let power attend the efforts of the Great Ones.
So let it be and help each of us to know & to do our part in the Work of each day.”

The Astrology Today.
Today is Tuesday, the first day of October.
Thirty four (34) days til the vote (Sept. 5) is cast & counted.
Today is Libra Sun, Virgo moon (for part of the day).
There will be less than an hour’s v/c this afternoon.
At 2:39pm the moon will be v/c ’til 3:20pm when the moon enters Libra.
Then we are on our way to the new moon solar eclipse of tomorrow – which occurs at 11:49am (PT).

A new moon solar eclipse – 10 degrees Libra.
Where is that (10 Libra) in everyone’s astrology chart?

Solar eclipses – something essential in our lives simply stops.
It is no longer available to us. Its purpose is complete.
Now something new comes forth. This falling away, no longer available can be subtle or it can be in plain sight.

How will the new moon solar eclipse affect each of us?
First new moon means we can begin to make new plans.
New Moon in Libra – the subject of the new plans has to do with relationships with others, with bringing harmony & balance into all interactions. We can have that as an intention at the Libra new moon.

The Solar eclipse in Libra (Ray 3, Divine Intelligence) means something that is Libran (balanced, harmonious) has fallen away or will fall away – Libra is our relationships, our value within relationships, how we value the “other” in our lives.

Looking at our Astrology Charts.
The Solar Eclipse New Moon & our Personal Lives.
With our astrology charts in hand we look for where 10 degrees Libra will fall – this is where the new moon solar eclipse will occur, the area of life that is affected. I will go thru the houses here.
If the new moon solar eclipse falls in this house, we assess the following –

1st house – a new self identity comes forth, the old one falling away. Personal growth, strengths, risk taking, self confidence. With Libra it is a call to self harmony & balance within the self.

2nd house – a new set of values, a new financial picture, assets, income, etc. With Libra, the balancing of one’s income, finances & the reality of valuing the self. The self as valuable.

3rd house – communication, thinking, being curious, how we views our siblings, our town, village, neighbors. With Libra, using the magical tool of speech & language, to use this gift in ways that uplift, praise and recognize the good in others. Using the voice for words of Goodwill.

4th house – our home, nurturing & being nurtured, what attention does our home need, our gardens. Do we want to move? A parent’s health matters. With Libra, bringing beauty & harmony & color to our domestic environments & gardens.

5th house – our creativity & our children – choosing to be more creative, choosing to tend to our children with more care & love. Being entrepreneurial. With Libra – what we create will have a sense of balance & beauty to it. Lifting all that we create to the Kings of Beauty.

6th house – tending to the health of self & others, to small animals, caring for the purity of our food & water, bringing order to our daily lives. With Libra, our daily life environments, our health, the purity of our lives brings forth a balancing & a harmonizing. The Soul of harmony gestating with each of us.

7th house – restoring harmony & care & unity to personal relationships – happy wife=happy life (happy husband=happy life). Assessing goals in all relationships and interactions. With Libra, we offer happiness & joy to our partners. Unless we know the relationship will not work any longer, then we assess the best way to part.

8th house – a complex area of life – all things held together, joint finances, funds, inheritances, intimacy. The Call to Discipleship. Under Libra, we made our choice to move forward into the realm of Scorpio – we handle the 9 tests of Scorpio with balance & equanimity.

9th house – the higher mind – it awakens, seeking understanding, more learning, studies, ethics, morals, true justice, philosophy, religious conversations, pilgrimages (we may seek to go on one), searching for real truth, publishing. Goals. With Libra, we use loving intelligence wherever we are.

10th house – one’s work & recognition in the world – something shifts here – not good, not bad, just a shift in one’s career, one’s ambition shifts, too, performance at work, leadership abilities. A parent’s health. With Libra – we bring harmony & balance to our work world. Everyone learns this from us.

11th house – the humanitarian house, groups we belong to, friends, endeavors that better conditions of the world, Masonry, networks of the human spirit, knowledge, humanity itself, its care & well being. Community, cooperation & Freedom. With Libra, our gift to our groups is our sense of beauty, harmony, intelligence.

12th house – deep psychological & spiritual sides of life awaken, emerge in the light of day – dreams, hopes, wishes, visions. Fears, secrets, things hidden. Remembrances of things past. Religious needs. Religion itself. Sacrifice. With Libra – we bring an executive cardinal energy to deal with the complex issues of living as a spirit in form & matter. The two fish work together in harmony. love, Risa

For study.
What are the charts below?
First 2 are templates of houses & what area of life they signify.
3rd chart – is today’s chart of the heavens.
4th chart is the USA & transits.

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

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