Tuesday, March 4, 2025- 11am
Two Astrology charts today.
1. Meghan Markle’s Netflix Show & her astrology chart.
2. President T’s talk tonight & his astrology chart.
Two leaders – under the Light of Leo (in the news, leadership, independence, freedom, creativity).
Understanding people in the news via their astrology.
How else would we understand them?
Astrology is everything!
And so….
Today is Tuesday, March 4, 2025.
Mars rules the day – Ray 6.
What will everyone do today? Mars is action!
Outer action when moving direct. Inner action when retrograde.
Mars is in Cancer slowly moving forward.
And so some events today – inner & outer, heaven & earth events.
Taurus Moon today – a stable moon sextiling Mars (action) & Saturn (discipline & structure) & joining Uranus (sudden events & revelations) tonight at dinnertime.
Pisces Sun, Saturn & Neptune – the two fishes illuminating us, disciplining us & spiritualizing us.
Today is Mardi Gras – the last day before Lent begins (tomorrow).
It’s Ash Wednesday tomorrow too –
I am looking for a Catholic church so I can have ashes put on my forehead tomorrow.
Gemini moon tomorrow – we listen to the word spoken when ashes are placed on our forehead.
Who knows what those words are & what they mean?
1. The Soul of Nature emerging – The daffodil green shoots have emerged around the oak trees.
2. Prez T speaking later today in Congress – Joint session of Congress. It’s not a State of the Union address. But a talk about what he has done so far in his presidency. Usually it takes a new prez a year to say what he has done. We will be listening, catching his essential words – he always speaks in parables.
Prez T has Mercury in Cancer – circling & touching upon the subject matter that concerns the people) Note: The prez’s chart is below. As we listen we always look at his astrology chart. Then we understand him & what he is saying & why.
3. Meghan Markle’s Netflix series released today, March 4th.
See her chart below.
Meghan is a Leo Sun w/ three lights in Leo. She needs independence. Leo is the sign of creativity as well as leadership. The Leo signs are in her 1st house of self identity. As she creates she learns about herself (I know myself by what I create).
Cancer rising – her soul purpose – to nurture & to nourish.
Mars (& her rising sign) in Cancer (transiting Mars in the heavens is in Cancer now too) is her focus on home, family, kitchen, food, garden, chickens, etc.
Venus in Virgo (focused detail, order, organization) is also food, daily life, the garden, small pets. In the 3rd house – she is talking about these things.
The 4 planets in Libra is why she is so beautiful & all around her is beauty.
The planets are at the bottom half of her chart which means she is to develop her self identity within the realm of home, family, gardens, foods, etc. And that is just what she is doing. She could not develop her self identity by being under the rule of royalty. She needs independence & freedom. This she gained by leaving the royal family & re establishing herself again in her own country, on the land, surrounded by & being able to create beauty. I wrote her & I applaud her. love, Risa