Tuesday,  March 18, 2025- 11am

Tuesday, March 18, 2025- 11am

A Story Today.
The “Fall” – what exactly was/is that for humanity.
In our Lenten time now – in the desert with the Christ.
Today March 18, 2025. Our last days of Pisces.
Before Spring (Thursday) begins. Sun in Aries.



How is everyone coming w/ the chart study of the public person – unfolding the astrology chart on Sunday?
Astrology is the foundation of the everything – it’s an umbrella, it’s the roots & foundations of our lives. The study of astrology builds the lower brain mind that then reaches up to the Soul.
In what is written here, there is a connection with astrology, astronomy, the bible, all religions, and history.

And so…today is Tuesday – Mars guards & guides our day.
Mars is Ray 6 – the color is sky blue (bleu ciel), azure, cerulean, sapphire, lazuline, robin’s egg blue.

Let’s talk about Mars (and the Fall).
What does that mean?
Earth at this time is poised between Mars (the fall) & Mercury (ascension via knowledge).
The Fall was when humanity entered (fell) deeply into matter.
Which the Earth (Ray 3) plane is – planet of matter.
Physical matter, deep dark dense.

On the Constitution of Man, the three lowest subplanes are of physical matter – dense physical, liquid, gaseous.
Above these three subplanes are the 4 subplanes of the Etheric (subtle physical, unseen).
This etheric matter surrounds all things physical.

The Garden of Eden (where humanity first resided after creation) was in the etheric plane realms (above the dense physical).
This was a plane of unconsciousness, a Paradise (of sorts).
It was not a dense world of matter. It was a world of subtle energies. The Golden Age.

Then a “fall” happened.
From the etheric to the dense physical realms.
See the Constitution of Man chart.

The “Fall” was humanity falling from the etheric vital where the Sun always shines & dropping down, entering into matter.
This dropping down is called “on the Involutionary Arc”).

Before the Fall, the signs Virgo (Mercury rules) & Scorpio (Mars ruled) were one united sign.
After the Fall, they separated & Libra was inserted between Virgo & Scorpio.
Virgo was Astrea, the Virgin of the Skies. She held in her hand the Scales of Judgment (Libra) which extended from Virgo into Scorpio. That area of space of the scales came to be known as Libra.
Libra became the mile post, the place where the Soul made a decision (Libra at first, as a young soul, has difficulty w/ decisions).
The Choice:
On one side is Virgo, path of purity (leading to the Immaculate Conception – spiritual, not sexual). Virgo is also deeply within form & matter.
The other side of Libra is Scorpio, the 8th house, the “generative” house.

The Fall occurred in Scorpio, into the deep dark waters where there is death as well as regeneration. This is the “testing ground” for humanity – the Nine Tests of Mars/Scorpio. In Masonry as well as in Egypt’s Mystery schools, this is the neophyte who is blinded & walking on a precipice with a crocodile nearby and awaiting him.

Binded Still
This is the present condition of much of humanity who are on the side of darkness. The darkness is the five senses (filed with desire & materialism & ignorance) which blinds them, leading to the brink of destruction (open jaws of the crocodile).
Libra’s Goddess of Justice is also blindfolded, but it has a different meaning.
The action of Justice is IMPERSONAL, swayed neither by preference, prejudine, opinion, emotions or lower mental bias. The vision is a clear inner seeing into the results of past causation.
Over time, with cycle of rebirth, with true education & the truth offered to humanity spiritual insight becomes a faculty and the blind fold is removed. Humanity then stands with oen eyes, fearless, compassionate – gazing upon the world.

The Fall was a cosmic phenomena on this physical globe called the Earth with humanity dwelling on this physical globe. The path back to our origins is a long pilgrimage (Prodigal Son story).

There are many paths.
Path of Darkness. Path of Blindness. Path of Evil. Path of Light. Path of the Probationer. Path of the Seeker. Path of the Chela. Path of the Disciple. Path of Iitiation.


When we enter upon the Path of Initiation, the “way of holiness” (BIble), we begin to find our way back to the Edenic state from our “cosmic fall” (experiencing form & matter).

The story of the Fal is a holy legend in all religions.
There was a war (disagreement) in heaven with God, Lucifer (Angel of Light, at the Right Hand of the Father, His most favored Angel) and Lucifer’s Angels. It happened when the Sun was directly over the equator & the Moon remained full. There were no changes of season before the Fall – day & night were equal. This was the Golden Age (humanity living in Eden, in the Etheric realms).

The disagreement between God & Lucifer was this. God wanted humanity (Adam & Eve, infant humanity, Virgin spirits) to remain in Eden (paradise). Lucifer, Angel of Light, wanted humanity to begin to understand ]duality, right/wrong, good/bad & to understand desire (eating the apple from the Tree of Knowledge). To learn about these things and have free will. The truth of this story is lost in the night of time.
And so Eve ate of the apple & immediately, humanity “fell” from paradise (etheric Garden of Eden – where the Sun shone & the moon shone over the equator of Earth and there were no seasons, no fluctuations whatsoever). And humanity entered into the three lowest levels of form & matter – dense physical).
And humanity began to experience desire (there was no desire in Eden) & over time to experience competition & jealousy & greed & killing (Cain & Abel, one brother killing the other).

And humanity could not (cannot) lift themselves all by themselves our of this dense physical form & matter. It takes the work of the Archangels to help humanity lift up And so a Great Archangel from Sirius assumed that task & this was the Christ who assumed the job description of opening the door that allowed humanity to ascend out of matter & begin their return journey back to “paradise” (the Father’s home).
This was the Christ (who overshadowed the man called Jesus), 2000 years ago. And humanity still doesn’t understand this story.
And He is set to Reappear soon & continue with His Mission of Teaching. (the story continues)

Study – Conor McGregor – b. July 14, 1988.
From Ireland – who is he & why is it posted here?
He visited with the US Prez yesterday. Patriots of Ireland delighted that he was with the US Prez on St. Patrick’s day. McGregor told the truth about Ireland, the people losing their country, how & why. He has Mercury Chiron, square Mars/Aries (communication was clear about Ireland’s situation). Patriots of Ireland were happy that McGregor & his family were with the US Prez – he was articulate & clear about the situation in Ireland. There is a connection between Ireland & the U.S. Ireland was not free til 1900s. Nodes of Ireland – Pisces/Virgo. Present day nodes are Pisces/Virgo. Companies recruiting Irish minds for their high psychic abilities (Clif High). This makes sense w/ Pisces/Virgo nodes & that Ireland is quite a poetic Celtic storytelling musical literary artistic endeavor – one of the charts of Ireland is Leo Sun (creativity). With Ireland’s Pisces nature – open, kind, welcoming, compassionate nature of a country & a people (from Laura, a group member).

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