Tuesday,  June 11, 2024- 9am

Tuesday, June 11, 2024- 9am

Lots to read today, Tuesday.
Play. A Jewish Festival. The color blue.
The astrology today – Moon in Leo –
Sign of creativity, children, play in the fields of the Lord.

Today is the First-Ever International Day of Play.
Tonight, the Jewish Harvest Festival of Shavuot begins.
Play Makes a Better World.
Prioritizing Play – a universal language understood by all peoples in the world. The role of “play” in human development.
Children learn through Play.
There is a book – Thinking is Child’s Play by Evelyn Sharp.
What do adults do for play?

Today is Tuesday, June 11, 2024.
A complex day both in heaven & on earth (heaven’s reflection).
The moon in Leo is busy today.
We have a long 12 hour v/c today, beginning at 12:16pm (PT). Until late tonight – 10:39pm (PT) when the moon enters Virgo.
Mars squares Pluto today – Taurus/Aquarius.
Mars/Pluto are the rulers of Scorpio.
Mars – action, desire. Pluto – transformation.
Lifting our desires up to the Soul, where they are transformed into aspirations.
Scorpio calls humanity to Discipleship.

Today is Tuesday, June 11, 2024.
Mars, Ray 6 rules the day – the color is sky blue and the many shades of that blue – celestial blue. Light blue (blue & white), the color of visible light. ***
Mars – action, desire, aspiration.
Mars just entered Taurus – the focus is on comfort, things of form, then through Vulcan, the blacksmith, on enlightenment.

Today is the International Day of Play.

Festival of First Fruits.
Tonight – the Harvest Festival of Shavuot begins.
“When a person goes down to his field and sees (for the first time) a ripe fig or a ripe cluster of grapes, or a ripe pomegranate, he feels great joy & gratitude & binds a reed-grass ribbon around the fruits and says, ‘These are the first fruits of my garden…'” (Bikkurim 1:1)

Tonight, the Jewish Festival of Shavuot begins – a 2 day Festival.
Commemorating the Lord of the World giving Moses & the Jewish people the 10 Commandments – the Rules Along the Way for the Age of Aries.
The word Shavuot means “weeks”. It is the completion of the 7 weeks since Passover. It is a Harvest Festival – the bringing of the first fruits to the Temple – the making of special loaves of bread to place on the altar – the loaves made of the first barley & wheat harvest. (more on Shavuot tomorrow)

*** Blue – a study –
Why is the sky blue?
The white light emitted by the sun consists of seven colors, and each color has its wavelength and frequency. Red light has the longest wavelength, while violet light has the shortest one.
Learning more –

Sky Blue – in history.
A quote – “the turban of the merchant must be sky blue.”

Crayola crayons only produced light blue crayon sin 1958.

Blue Celeste – is sky blue.

King Louis IX of France, known as Saint Louis (1214–1270), became the first king of France to regularly dress in blue. This was copied by other nobles.

Paintings of the mythical King Arthur began to show him dressed in blue.

The coat of arms of the kings of France became an azure or light blue shield, sprinkled with golden fleur-de-lis or lilies.
Blue had come from obscurity to become the royal color.

Light blue is often reported as the color of the visible light coming off of a source when ionizing radiation is released during a nuclear chain reaction.

The signature “light blue glow” of Cherenkov radiation seen in nuclear reactors is a result of the constant particles and photons being ejected out of the reactor core into the water medium around it.

The national flags of Argentina, the Bahamas, Botswana, Fiji, Guatemala, Honduras, Kazakhstan, Micronesia, Palau, Somalia, and Tuvalu all have light blue as a dominant color.

1 & 2 – beauty of the first fruits of the harvest.
3. Light Spectrum – the human eye is more sensitive to the colors in the middle of the spectrum.
4. Chart for today.

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

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