Tuesday,  January 14, 2025- 8am

Tuesday, January 14, 2025- 8pm

The Electric Universe – what we were not taught.
An Alternative Cosmological Theory.
Today….Tuesday, January 14, 2025.
One month ’til Valentine’s day!
Venus – the goddess of love – will be at its brightest just in time for Valentine’s Day 2025. But now is the time to start watching Venus. It’s in the west after sunset, brighter than any other planet or star. And now Saturn is near Venus in the evening sky.
Saturn & Venus – the Dweller & the Angel of the Presence.

Today Leo Moon – a time to best cultivate our creative talents & gifts. Then our true creative identity is recognized.

Capricorn Sun & Mercury. Serious talk about serious things.
Like the Electric Universe! See below.

Venus (5) square Jupiter (2) today – Pisces/Gemini – both receive & distribute Ray 2. Intelligent Love.
When Venus interacts w/ Jupiter, unifying love events happen.
Words (Gemini) of Love (Pisces) stream from our hearts.
Try it today!

Moon /Mercury today, Moon/Jupiter today, Moon/Venus today.
The moon is busy today making contact w/ the planetary Lords.

Tomorrow, Mars retro is very close to Earth & opposite the Sun.
We can see Mars in the sky – it’s red.
It’s a heavenly alignment!

Some Things to Know & Then to Ponder Upon.
Out Electric Universe:
[An alternative cosmological theory]
The Electric Universe
The Electric Universe model is an alternative cosmological theory that emphasizes the role of electricity and electromagnetism in the universe. Here are its key concepts:
1. Electromagnetism Over Gravity: It posits that electromagnetic forces, rather than gravity, are the dominant forces shaping the universe, influencing the formation and behavior of celestial bodies.
2. Electric Currents in Space: The model suggests that vast electric currents flow through space, connecting stars, galaxies, and other cosmic structures, and that these currents play a crucial role in their dynamics and energy.
3. Plasma Cosmology: It incorporates ideas from plasma physics, proposing that plasma, a state of matter consisting of charged particles, is a fundamental component of the universe and is influenced by electromagnetic forces.
4. Solar Activity: The Electric Universe model attributes solar phenomena, such as sunspots and solar flares, to external electric currents interacting with the Sun, rather than internal nuclear fusion processes.
5. Cosmic Structures: It suggests that galaxies, stars, and planetary systems are formed and maintained by electromagnetic forces, challenging the conventional gravity-centric models.

Overall, the Electric Universe model offers a radically different perspective on cosmic phenomena, focusing on the influence of electricity and magnetism across the universe. Overall, the Electric Universe model challenges the conventional understanding by focusing on electromagnetic forces and external energy sources, whereas the accepted model relies on nuclear fusion and gravitational forces.
Reference Source: The Electric Bridge, Lucis Trust.

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