Tuesday,  February 25, 2025- 10am

Tuesday, February 25, 2025- 9am

Tuesday today.
February 25, 2025 – 2.25.2025.
Did everyone know that rhubarb flowers?
Mercury joins Saturn w/ Aquarius Moon.
Pisces Sun, Mercury, Neptune.
Things old fashioned on our minds & hearts today.
What are we thinking today? Mercury/Saturn?
Practical thoughts & communication today.
Intelligent love, loving intelligence. Making plans today.
Thoughts of things old fashioned, lost to some.
The Rowan Tree
Witch hazel tree, a rowan bush to make magic wands.
Old fashioned plants like rhubarb.
Seeds like gold.
The roots of all plants now – filled with & surrounded by a golden fire. Preparing each plant to sprout, bud, leaf & bloom in spring
& summer. We think on these things today.
And stand in our gardens. Talking with the devas.
love, Risa

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

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