Tuesday, April 9, 2024- 7am

Tuesday, April 9, 2024- 7am

The day after the Eclipse.

I took notes during the eclipse.
It lasted a long time – in all 4 hours, 28 minutes.
We sat in the garden and watched the light fade.
There was a bird, like a sentry, flying around the trees in all directions, calling calling as if to summon everyone in the forest to this cosmic event called the total solar eclipse.
There was a bird calling at the beginning.
Then another bird that trilled at the end of the eclipse.
Frogs came out a bit too, to see what was happening.
The light darkened very slowly – we didn’t have eclipse glasses.
We had two pieces of paper, one with the pinhole.
Next time I would like to have the glasses.
Our area didn’t achieve total darkness. The light to dark was like a quiet evening falling. The wind came up often, whipping around the trees that surrounded our property. It too was like a sentry, calling everyone to attention.
We could feel in the air something was occurring.
A quiet cosmic heavenly fiery mysterious something happening.
The wind came up at the beginning & continued thru the eclipse hours. At first the air was hot, even with the wind. Then…as the light darkened we felt the cold arriving. The lack of the Sun’s warming light equaled the cold descending.
The air was cold. The wind was cold. We were cold.
It was an experience of the senses.
Seeing, feeling, hearing, listening, watching, waiting.
All in a kind of silence.
The characters – the wind, air, sky, birds, light, dark, sun, moon.
Dark. Then the light again.
At the in-between-moment of light & dark, a sparkly sort of light appeared. It touched the leaves of the trees. The sycamore that began to leaf. The apple, the peach, the cedar.
It sparkled like an unearthly light on everything.
A liminal unusual light, like starlight.
Then it was over.
The moon slid over the Sun and kept moving forward.
It was a new moon at the eclipse.
That reality was hidden by the total eclipse of the Sun.
New moon in Aries. I almost forgot about that until this morning.

And so, today, the day after the eclipse.
Tuesday, April 9, 2024 – Sun has remained in Aries.
But the moon has left Aries & moved on into Taurus.
We stabilize the experience of the eclipse.
We integrate its purpose.
It is not over….
The eclipse effects will last for the next three months.
In that area of life where the eclipse happened for each of us.
A new sense of self in that area of life.
What was the eclipse like for you?
love, Risa


1. Notice the chart – the many lights in Aries!
2. We have more eclipses coming up this year.
September 8th & October 2nd. In Libra.
Read here:
Solar & Lunar Eclipses for the next 10 years.

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

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