Tuesday, April 30, 2024- 7pm

Tuesday, April 30, 2024- 7pm

Heartbreaking, America in 2024.
Our country has been taken over.
By imported hate.
We see it on the news, protests at universities, all over the country.
Result of cultural Marsixm controlling the universities.
Protests at the universities, where many ignorant emotional young people are being controlled by outside T. forces.
Our country has been taken over.
Actually it was taken over for decades.
As were the universities.
When the classics were eliminated. When Marxism
came into universities.
T-rr–ist sympathizers walking the halls of our universities.
The forces of darkness have been teaching our children in the universities for years & years now.
53 of the 60 major colleges are being taken over.
Outside agitation has been leading the protests.
The protestors are not just the students (many of the children participating are being called emotional unaware idiots).
This was a pot on a hot stove that is now boiling over.
Foreign funding has funded & organized the protests
T-rr-ri–s are leading the protests.
It’s coordinated efforts from a very high level.
Many of the staff & prez of colleges support these people.
Certain cultures are intimidated, not allowed into classes.
This is not an organic protest.
Agitators agitating – it is a coordinated effort.
Propaganda ploy – support for t-rr–ism.
Columbia has had weeks of anarchy, insurrection.
Inmates running the asylum.
Columbia – seized by hateful agitators. Hammer wielding rioters, covered face, reciting Intifada – a holy war, violent uprising.
The protest movement has sided w/ the enemy & with t…..sts.
What we see in these protests is barbarism.
It is against civilization.
Words spoken – “Kill the J____s.
Death to Israel.
Return to the gas chambers.”
Hate filled anti semitic words.
An importation of hate, hatred & threat against certain people.
Groups are told to go out tomorrow, outside agitators, & cause
violence everywhere.
Violence used as a propaganda tool.
Although it is very difficult to see, watch, hear.
This is a darkness that has simmered underground for 60 years.
Now the darkness is in plain sight.
This is a historical Kali Yuga situation.
The university system in our country is over.
The gov wants to import people who hate our country.
And who are radicalized.

The oxen, the weather vane of our culture….
…wobbling now on one weak foot, is falling.

Watching this.
Knowing this.
The university system has destroyed itself from within.
We now need to create the new education for the new era, the new environments for learning.
Re-opening the Mystery Temples & Schools. The university system in our country is completely dissolved. It will not recover.
The university system has destroyed itself from within.

We are squarely in the Kali Yuga – when the dark forces, pure evil forces are in plain sight & allowed to be seen. Risa

Addenda: Young ignorant students – called Useful idiots (used by &) for professional violent agitators. They have no cognizance of the true situation. The creme de la creme, our future leaders – they know nothing. And they are being manipulated by the Forces of Darkness. Tomorrow is May Day – Socialists Groups Day – Marxists Leninists Day – May Day has been a focal point for demonstrations by various socialist, communist and anarchist groups since the Second International. May Day is one of the most important holidays in communist countries such as China, Vietnam, Cuba, Laos, North Korea, and the former Soviet Union countries. May Day – a dangerous day tomorrow. No moral clarity is occurring here. It’s the destruction of our country.

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