DAILY POSTINGSThursday, October 17, 2024- 11am
Libra – the Art of Harmony & Beauty.
Art Today.
Posting art today. It has a purpose.
The Art’s significance.
1. Frieze London – with art booths (like Sukkot)
2. The Soul – Vibration & Song of the Soul – the kingdom of the Soul makes or lives colorful!
3. A line of Light in neon to the Hierarchy & beyond during our Libra solar festival at the time of the full moon.
Art Booths look like Sukkot Booths. Today is the first day of Sukkot – living outside under the stars in little temporary houses made of the plant kingdom – an art form celebrating Jewish history of walking in freedom.
And so.
1. Frieze London (a contemporary art fair in London’s Regent Park) created delicate little structures (little booths) to display artists art – see below. The little delicate booths created a spaciousness set in place, booth after booth. So creative!
And so, I posted this “art booth” because it looks exactly like a Sukkot little booth or hut or temporary home during the harvest festival of remembering, led by Moses, we left Egypt (slavery, Taurus Age) & we walked in the desert for 40 years, as our life wave was purified, and many children were born on that long pilgrimage & we were fed by manna each morning, angels food, and our life-wave angel, Jehovah, protected us, & Moses died before along the way and Joshua led us into Canaan, Israel, the promised land.
• Note: Joshua was the scribe of Moses. Just before the Hebrew people entered Canaan, Moses died, the angels came & took his body away. Moses was told by the Lord to make Joshua the leader of the Hebrew people. According to the Bible, God instructed Moses to appoint Joshua as his successor before Moses died. Moses asked God for a replacement so that the Israelites would not be without a leader.
• Role
Joshua was a disciple of Moses and a general in the battle with the Amalekites. He led the Israelites in conquering Canaan after the Exodus from Egypt. One of his most famous achievements was toppling the walls of Jericho.
• Name
Joshua’s original name was Hoshea, but Moses called him “Yehoshua,” which translates to “Joshua” in English.
According to the biblical book named after him, Joshua was the personally appointed successor to Moses (Deuteronomy 31:1–8; 34:9) and a charismatic warrior who led Israel in the conquest of Canaan after the Exodus from Egypt.
Jesus as Joshua in a previous lifetime – According to Edgar Cayce, the man, Jesus, underwent many many incarnations or past lives (as we all do) before he became Jesus of Nazareth who later was overshadowed by the Christ.
Past Lives Jesus was formerly Adam, Enoch, Melchizedek, Joseph (not his father), Joshua (of Moses time), Asaph, Jeshua, and Zend. Later, after his death he was Apollonius of Tyana (15 – 100 AD), first century Greek philosopher, teacher, NeoPlatonist & known as a the most famous miracle worker of his day. Read more –
Past lives of Jesus that Cayce mentions.
1. Enoch is found in the Apocryphal Book of Enoch. He is briefly mentioned in Genesis (5:15-24).
“The Book of Enoch describes the fall of the Watchers into materiality and Enoch’s heavenly sojourns, as well as his transfiguration into the angel Metatron.” The Book of Enoch is considered by some a sacred book.
2) Melchizedek was a priest-prophet during the time of Abraham (Father of the Hebrew people, the first human to appear after the floods of Atlantis took the people to the Gobi Valley where under the Manu humanity was recreated). He is also mentioned in the Dead Sea Scrolls – discovered in 1947 at the Qumran Cave near the Dead Sea), and the Nag Hammadi Codex texts found in Upper Egypt in 1945, along with other Gnostic (occult, hidden wisdom teachings) gospels.
3) Joseph, son of Jacob, became the priest of Egypt. There are many parallels between the life of Joseph and that of Jesus.
4) Joshua led the Israelites into the Promised Land. One of Joshua’s roles was as a scribe of Moses.
5) Jeshua, high priest who helped organize the Israelites’ return from exile and the rebuilding of the temple (as recounted in the books of Ezra and Nehemiah). Cayce writes it was Joshua who compiled and translated the book of the Bible.
8) Zend was the father of Zoroaster, the founder of the Zoroastrian religion (religion during the Taurus Age).
9 As Jesus, from Nazareth, son of Mary & Joseph, overshadowed by the Christ, was the man who attained complete human-divine unity and therefore overshadowed by the Christ (Archangel from Sirius, in His mission as the Pisces World Teacher).
Note that Jesus is the Latinization of the Aramaic “Jeshua” or “Yeshua.” (end on past lives of Jesus).
Note the combining of the Jewish religion with the Catholic/Christian religion. In the Aquarian Age, all the religions will be combined into One Aquarian religion, the religion of the people. Note also that all the religions of humanity are stages of development for humanity, meeting the emotional/mental needs of a developing humanity. The Jewish/Christian religion is on the line between & combines between east & west.
2. Vibration – Song of My Soul – the Soul of each of us has a vibration, a movements, a sound, a color – that of Will to Good, Will to Love, Will, Love/Wisdom, Divine Intellgence. It vibrates under one of the seven Ray stars of the Big Dipper.
3. Line of (neon) light – in the new & full moon meditations, we send a line of Light to the Hierarchy, to the heart of Hierarchy which is the Christ & to Shamballa to the Lord of the World, Where the Will of God is known. We then align all the kingdoms with this Light – humanity, the NGWS (where we stand), Hierarchy, the Christ & Shamballa.
Full Moon Meditation Great Invocation.
We reach into the Light of Libra & bring it down to meet the needs of humanity – this is the task of the NGWS.
As I write this little owl babies have perched on the limbs of the elderberry tree in front of my desk. love, Risa