Thursday,  Novemeber 2, 2023- 12pm

Thursday, November 2, 2023- 12pm

All Souls Day today.
Thursday, November 2, 2023.
Jupiter’s day – Jupiter expands us into new greater realms.
An Artist – Paintings of Death Row Last Supper –
Remembering those who have left the earth plane for the heavenly realms. We remember them. We love them. In our quiet & silence we can hear them communicate with us.
They love us too.

The graphic below is the Catholic Mass – a divine ritual.
In the graphic are all the dimensions.
Prayers recited today for all the Souls who have died.
We pray for the innocent ones in the present wars.
We stand in the bardos with those who have died.
Offering them direction.
Thinking about those in our lives who have died.
Who has died in each of our lives?
When did they die?
Create a journal of those who have died.
Honoring them – their lives, their death.
Death is the Great Adventure. love, Risa

Julie Green.
The Artist who painting last meals (Last Suppers) of those on death row. Painted death row inmates desires for their last meals on earth. Painted on vintage dishes.

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

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