Thursday,  March 6, 2025- 7pm

Wednesday, March 5, 2025- 1pm

1. A Lenten Exercise.
Intentions for Goodwill in thoughts words deeds.
For 40 days & nights.
2. Words of Praise – & words that hurt (Chiron).
3. A Lenten study from an esoteric student (LWGLass) on Lent.
4. Today – Thursday, March 6, 2025. Jupiter’s Day. Reappearance Meditation.
We are in 2025 in the Year of the Precipitation (beginning).
Precipitation of the Aquarian World Teacher, previously the Piscean World Teacher. The same Great One from Sirius.

Timing (2025)
Disciples are awake, aware & alert to this timing (2025).
Especially using this Lenten season for preparation.
For Spring, for the Three Spring Festivals, for Easter/Resurrection Festival, for the Reappearance.

And so…..
Today, Thursday, we recite the Reappearance Mantram.
Pisces Sun, Gemini moon today, a day of reflective loving communication.
As Pisces & Gemini are Ray 2, the day calls us to LOVING COMMUNICATION. Ray 2 is Love & Wisdom.

The Moon today & Chiron.
Moon Jupiter today, moon Sun, Moon Chiron, Moon Saturn today.
The Moon/Chiron is most interesting.
We hurt each other so often by our thoughts & words & actions.
One following the other.
Hurtful words to those striving to bring forth their gifts.
Who are they? President Trump. Meghan Markle, me.
Each of us is striving to bring forth our gifts. We may stumble along. But each of us is striving to bring forth our gifts into the world.
Words of praise & recognition creates Goodwill.
It produces the good the true & the beautiful in the other.
It supports the creative expressions of the other. It recognizes the others’ livingness & creative spirit. It uplifts.
It recognizes human achievement & calls forth future possibilities.
Praise enriches the others’ imagination & recognizes the others’ contribution to livingness.
It develops harmony in self & the other.
Intentions for Goodwill, praise & recognition fosters Right Human Relations which then brings forth peace.
The hurt is lasting & it burns & pierces the heart.
Of both the speaker & the one being spoken to.
Words are like arrows – they either land softly or they create suffering. A disciples is always aware of one’s thoughts & words. Having always the intention for Goodwill in thoughts & words & actions.
This is a good Lenten exercise.

Lent – from a student
And so… Lent✨ Seasonal Art, today, marks the first day of Lent. This morning, I attended Mass in Ojai to honor the tradition of receiving ashes on the forehead (Ash Wednesday).

The season of Lent is a Catholic – Christian liturgical season consisting of 40 days of fasting, prayer, and deep introspection beginning on Ash Wednesday and concluding at sundown on Holy Thursday.

The official liturgical color for the season of Lent is violet. ✨✝️✨

The 40 days of Lent offers one an opportunity to imitate what Christ did in the desert for 40 days: He prayed and fasted in preparation for His initiations.

This ✨spiritual spring training✨ makes us stronger if we embrace these practices with mindfulness + generosity.

During His time in the desert, He worked with the physical, emotional, and mental lower bodies. He was tempted three times and three times He resisted and was able to pass on to His world service.

There are 2 interesting facts connected with all these temptations Christ faced in the desert. Each of them begins with “If” on the lips of the devil, and each is met by Christ with the words ✨It is written✨.

These two phrases link all three episodes and give the clue to the whole process. The ultimate temptation is doubt. The test we have all to face eventually, and which climaxed in Christ’s life until He vanquished it upon the Cross, is the test of our divinity.

Are we divine? How must our divine powers express themselves?

We are called during this time to perform works of prayer, fasting and almsgiving during the Lenten season in imitation of the Christ and for internal spiritual preparation. It’s a time of repentance + renewal.
A cultivation of our inner spiritual gifts, virtues, and strengths.

The word Lent derives from the Middle English word lenten, meaning springtime***–the time of lengthening days.

During the next 40 days, there is an opportunity to enter into the wilderness*** with the Christ*** ✨🌄✨… a time to strengthen our spiritual muscles and to lovingly greet the deepest parts of ourselves. ✨💜✨
Note: Text written by one of our Esoteric Students.
L.W. Glass

Reappearance Mantram
Reappearance of the Christ Meditation Day.
We stand close to the Christ, at the heart of Hierarchy.
Our meditation becomes a healing for all those in need.
In the light of our Soul, we say to the Christ….

“People of goodwill can come together to make things better.”
These are good words.

Our Meditation
Standing together under the light of the Group Soul, facing the Christ with intention, dedication & Love, we say Reappearance Mantram together…

Forgetting the things which lie behind,
We will strive towards our highest spiritual possibilities.
We dedicate ourselves anew
To the service of the Coming One
And will do all we can
To prepare men’s minds and hearts
For that event.
We have no other life intention.
Ohm Ohm Ohm
(in our visualization we lift our personality up to to the Soul & the Soul in turn releases a golden light into our personality self – physical body, emotions, lower mind & we stand in the Light of the Will to Good & the Will to Love.)

Painting by Roerich.
Christ in the Desert. Being tested as He learns how to use the body of Jesus, as He overshadowed Jesus in order to appear on Earth & complete His Mission of bringing Love from Sirius (Ray 2) to Earth (Ray 3), embedding intelligence with Love & Wisdom. Anchoring Love on Earth, “renting the veils” & thus, thru love, opening the door to the Evolutionary Arc (the Return).
Being tested by the Devil (lived spelled backward).
As we are all tested during our life on Earth.
And tested during Lent too. Developing will & strength.
Three tests of the personality – Nine tests in all.
Preparation for Initiation. These words apply to all of us.
love, Risa

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