Thursday,  March 20, 2025- 10am

Thursday, March 20, 2025- 10am

A change of pace – Great Balls of Fire!
From the water (moon) mysteries to the fire (Sun) mysteries.
A change of pace now as Aries (fire) Sun begins.
Aries – Rays 1 & 7 – the Anchoring!
With the assistance of Mars (6) & Mercury (3) & Uranus (7).
The Fires of spring turning the earth green!
Great Balls of Fire!
When the Christ entered the River Jordon, to be
baptized, the Christ Spirit Archangel from Sirius, overshadowing the man called Jesus, the ancient manuscripts say balls or circles of fire appeared in the river!
Water & fire, Pisces to Aries – a new creation appearing.
Life is accelerated at springtime due to the element of fire.
Which occurred when, as the secret legend tells us…
When the Christ entered the River Jordon, great circles and balls of fire appeared on the surface of the waters.
The atoms of the Earth shimmered & shook, realizing a new element was now on the Earth –
The element of Love, which would transfigure (essential radiance) the Earth. Which is a fire.
And so, a new pace today, a new rhythm.
Great Balls of Fire!
Jerry Lee Lewis – Aquarius rising!
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