Thursday,  March 13, 2025- 4pm

Thursday, March 13, 2025- 4pm

Full moon tonight. Pisces Solar Festival.
Eclipse tonight. Virgo moon eclipsed.
Red blood moon – seen around midnight & after.
Pisces – the last sign of the zodiac.
The last full moon solar festival before spring begins.
Spring is the beginning of the new spiritual year.
Pisces, gathering all the talents, gifts, abilities of the previous 11 signs, gathers itself, too, Pisces talents, gifts & abilities, preparing to offer it all to Aries, to begin the new spiritual year.
Pisces – the Light of Life itself, ending forever the darkness of matter. Pisces – gathering the Light, reaching into the Light of Ray 2 & 6, reaching into Pisces itself, touching the heart of the Lords of Pisces, reaching into that compassionate Light & bringing it down to meet the needs of humanity.
At the full moon time – 11:55pm Pacific time.
1:55am midwest time. 2:55am east coast time.
Reciting together the Great Invocation.
The Mantram of Direction for humanity for the new year.
During Lent. In the Year of Precipitation (ending the Year of the Forerunner). March 13/14, 2025.
Uniting the heart of humanity with the heart of Hierarchy with the heart of Christ with the heart of the Planetary Logos with the heart of Ray 2 with the heart of Venus, earth’s elder sister.
Together in the Ashram. And so we meet together tonight.
love, Risa 💙

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

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