Thursday,  March 13, 2025- 12pm

Thursday, March 13, 2025- 12pm

A new study today. Uranus & the Rays.
Questions & research. Thursday, March 13, 2025.
Lunar eclipse, full moon, Pisces solar festival.
Study today….

Seven Rays in & out of manifestation – a graph.
And so…Today, March 13, 2025, is “Uranus (7th planet from the sun) was unexpectedly discovered day.” Uranus was seen by accident way back in 1781 by William Herschel (composer & astronomer, b. Nov. 15, 1738). While looking at the stars, he happened to see an object moving independently among those stars.

Herschel thought it was a comet but realized that this faint object, seemingly floating in the heavens all by itself, was actually a planet – it was a new discovery – the first new planet discovered since ancient times!

Uranus is thus called the planet of unexpected discoveries as this discovery was a surprise to the star gazer. (Surprise is what Uranus presents to humanity!).

Moving from astronomy to astrology to the Rays in the Big Dipper & thus learning about our true history in the heavens & so on Earth.
How do we connect this astronomical event (Uranus discovery) to our astrology charts & to our Esoteric understanding?

Uranus is the planet that brings sudden changes to our lives when its transit in the heavens touches (by degree) one of our planets in one of our areas of life (houses).

Uranus is tilted on its side – it’s an unusual “being” – its tilt signifies change, shifts & all things new (like the energies of Aries & Aquarius).

Uranus & the Seven Rays
Uranus receives & distributes Ray 7 (from one of the stars in the Big Dipper) – Ray 7 reaches into the Will of God (Ray 1) & the two of them introduce & impress humanity with new ideas, ideals, archetypes & new rhythms.
Uranus is connected to Ray 5 – the knowledge Rays are always connected to each other, working hand in hand to bring forth the new (information, science, reality, etc.) to humanity.

As Above, So Below
The vault of heaven is like a parent to humanity & the Earth.
When we see something new in the heavens…because Earth is the reflection of the heavens….because all that happens in the heavens is a symbolic message for the Earth……we look at, research what was occurring in 1781 (& some time before) on Earth & within humanity?

Because the Rays in the Big Dipper (the 7 Rays/stars/Lords of the 7 Rays) influence all of life on Earth. The 7 Rays are the originating impulse for change on Earth).

So I will ask this question to those readers interested in following this inquiry & learning…
What was occurring in terms of the Rays & what was occurring on Earth in 1781?
Who can answer these questions?

The 7 Rays come in & out of manifestation.
When one of the Rays comes into manifestations (or is being withdrawn), there is a radical transformation occurring for humanity, the Earth & her kingdoms.
Something happened around the time of the discovery of Uranus.
What was happening, what did happen on Earth before, around & after this time?

Definition of the Rays
A ray is a particular force or type of energy, with the emphasis upon the quality (Soul, consciousness level). The Seven Rays are a force or energy, each one distributing a type of quality. The Seven Rays are the sum total of the Divine Consciousness – the Universal Mind; They are seven intelligent Entities through Whom the Plan of God is working out. Eso. Psychology 1.

True History
The Seven Rays & their study provide us with our true history.
The Seven Rays, cyclical in appearance, have continuously passed in and out of manifestation and have thus left their mark down the ages upon mankind, and therefore hold the clue to any true historical survey. Such a survey still remains to be made.
We can begin to make it here & thus expand our knowledge of ourselves, humanity, the Earth & our true history as a humanity.

Look below at the graph about the Rays.
From Esoteric Psychology 1, p. 411 (for those who have the book)
Note –
What Rays came into (& were being withdrawn) the Earth around the time of the discovery of Uranus? This gives us much information as to the activities of humanity.
By looking at this graph, one of the questions I asked can be answered.
Then to answer the 2nd question – we go to our history books & find what was happening on Earth as Ray 5 & Ray 7 came into manifestation?

Tabulations on the Rays
Ray I ———Not yet in manifestation.
Ray II ——–In manifestation since 1575 A.D.
Ray III ——-In manifestation since 1425 A.D.
Ray IV——-To come slowly into manifestation around 2025 A.D.
*Ray V——–In manifestation since 1775 A.D. (Venus is Ray 5)
Ray VI——-Passing rapidly out of manifestation. Began to pass out in 1625 A.D.
*Ray VII——In manifestation since 1675 A.D. (Uranus is Ray 7)

Who can answer the questions posed?
What Rays were coming in around the discovery of Uranus?
What was occurring on Earth before, during, after the discovery of Uranus?
This is our college.
And I pose this information on a full moon day, on an eclipse day, on the Pisces solar festival day so we can understand our past from an esoteric occult point of view. The old ways of thinking (Virgo moon) are eclipsed (fall away), when we know our true esoteric & occult history.

Who can answer the questions posed today?
Thursday, Jupiter’s Day – Reappearance Meditation day.
Forgetting the things which lie behind,
We will strive towards our highest spiritual possibilities.
We dedicate ourselves anew
To the service of the Coming One
And will do all we can
To prepare men’s minds and hearts
For that event.
We have no other life intention.

We stand together today with the Christ (in the desert during Lent) & prepare for tonight’s full moon eclipse Pisces solar festivals – tonight at the time of the festival we recite the Great Invocation together. Reaching into the Light & bringing that Light down to meet humanity’s needs. Thus with the Light we work & turn the darkness of the Kali Yuga into day…thus with the light we work & turn the darkness into day. Together. Love, Risa

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

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