Thursday,  February 20, 2025- 7am

Thursday, February 20, 2025- 7am

More from Risa
– the conversation continues here today.
Today, Thursday, February 20, 2025. Jupiter’s day of Love/Wisdom – written in love, seeking wisdom.
And so….context.
1. This is the year of the beginning precipitation of the Reappearance of the World Teacher – 2025.
2/ The Year of the 100 year Conclave of Masters & Teachers meeting.
Asking, is humanity ready?
3. Also, It is the year of transformative CHANGE, as the outer planets shift from earth & water to air & fire.
(Example, Pluto into Aquarius – & everything accelerates in the air of Aquarius).
So changes are occurring rapidly & new forms must be created to meet the needs of individuals, groups & of humanity itself.

And so, in the Mars retrograde (soon Venus & Mercury will retrograde too!).
…And as the outer planets, like Pluto did, will shift into new signs (air/fire)….here on FB (website) I am asking questions of myself & of readers.
What is needed?
How, what is next?

I don’t think the need here is for me to continue to just post post post – one voice in the wilderness.

Teachers seek responses for multiple reasons.
With little to no feedback the Teacher sits alone by themselves & doesn’t know what is happening out there in the world of readership.
And thus, the questions I am posing/posting here.

What is my need? What are your needs?

Can those needs be met here on FB (website) in terms of study?

I will begin with my answers.
My need is to continue writing & to have a deeper dialogue w/ readers – an interaction & a continuing conversation.
I don’t know if it can happen here on FB (or our website).

If I go to X – words are limited.
I write a lot each day.
So what is it that I need?
What do you need?

That is always the first question. What is/are the need(s)?
And then what is possible here on FB (& our website)?
Shall we move elsewhere? If so where? And so….

Asking what is the need? Your need. My need?

What are the possibilities here on FB (& NLN)?
Asking – can a conversation, interaction, dialogue be created here on FB (& NLN)?Asking – Can it be done here or not?

A dialogue, conversation, interaction.

And so…
What am I attempting to convey, to create?
I am attempting to create a dialogue, an interaction.
A conversation. More than my voice alone.
And if it can be created here on FB (or the website)?
Or not.
And so…I wanted to be clear with readers.
What I am seeking is a dialogue with readers.

A conversation that is back & forth. An interaction. T
his is what I am seeking & attempting to create. A conversation.
A deeper interaction.
I would like more interaction.
I am wondering if it can be created here, or not. If so, how? If not, what then is to be created?

Now it’s your turn.
Please don’t just write thank you. Please write what your thoughts, feelings & what you consider to be your needs here. How would you like to continue?

Written w/ curiosity & love, seeking wisdom. Risa

With love, seeking wisdom – Risa

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

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