Thursday,  Decemeber 12, 2024- 11am

Thursday, December 12, 2024- 11am

Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe – mother of the Americas.

Thursday – December 12, 2024.
Taurus (4) moon today, Sagittarius (4, 5, 6) Sun.
A festival today – on our Reappearance Day.
Jupiter’s day today of Love & Wisdom – Ray 2.
Reappearance Meditation is below at the end.

Our Lady of Guadalupe festival day today.
Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe.
Mary has many mantles, many colors, is many metaphors, archetypes, stories – all providing humanity with many symbols

that lead humanity forward upon the Path of Return.
Our Lady of Guadalupe, also known as the Virgin of Guadalupe, is a Catholic title for the Virgin Mary, the mother of Jesus. Her title (Our Lady of Guadalupe) refers to a series of four Marian apparitions to Juan Diego, a Mexican peasant, in Mexico, in 1531.

In the heavens today – Sun & Mercury in Sagittarius (4, 5, 6).
Taurus (4) moon. Venus opposite Mars (6) (Aquarius/Leo).
Mercury (4) sextile Venus (5) (Sag/Aquarius).
Note the Rays today – blending & reflecting the Rays of Sagittarius.

Our Lady of Guadalupe
(the Great Ones appear to humanity when there is a need within humanity. Mary is part of the feminine Hierarchy).

The appearance of Our Lady (Mother Mary) to Juan Diego, a widower who lived in Mexico (near Mexico City. What is the story of Our Lady of Guadalupe & Jan Diego?
A miracle occurred as Juan was on his way to a nearby barrio (village) to attend Mass in honor of Our Lady. Juan was walking by a hill called Tepeyac when he heard beautiful music and the sound of song birds. A radiant cloud appeared, and within it stood an Indian maiden dressed like an Aztec princess.

She began to speak with Juan in his own language and sent him to the bishop of Mexico, a Franciscan named Juan de Zumarraga. She said Juan was to ask the bishop to build a chapel in the place where she appeared.
Juan did speak with the bishop. At first the bishop didn’t believe Juan & asked for a sign. Juan returned to the radiant Lady, telling her of the bishop’s request. Upon hearing the bishop’s request, the Lady made roses appear & gave them to Juan which he held in his tilma (cape). When Juan met with the bishop again, he opened his tilma and the roses fell to the ground. On the tilma where the roses had been was an image of Mary exactly as she had appeared to Juan at the hill of Tepeyac.
The bishop built the church as requested. It is now the cathedral of Our Lady in Mexico City. It stands today as a symbol of Mary & the miracle on the hill of roses. All over Mexico people travel to this Mexico City cathedral. Let us join them today.

Mary, Our Lady of Guadalupe is, with her golden skin, is the patron saint of all the Americas and its people.

Pope John Paul was dedicated to Our Lady.

Sagittarius Sun & Mercury.
We comprehend the goals ahead. We reach those goals.
We communicate about them. We see the next goals to be achieved. The Hierarchy impresses us each step of the Way.

Honoring Our Lady of Guadalupe today.
An altar filled with roses.
We stand under the Light of Sagittarius.
And Rays 4, 5, 6.
We communicate (Mercury) our ideals & goals (Sag).
On our white horse, bow & arrow in hand.
Leading humanity to the foothills of Capricorn.
With our eyes on the mountain peaks of Capricorn.
love, Risa

Our Meditation
Standing together under the light of the Group Soul, facing the Christ with intention, dedication & Love, we say Reappearance Mantram together…

Forgetting the things which lie behind,
We will strive towards our highest spiritual possibilities.
We dedicate ourselves anew
To the service of the Coming One
And will do all we can
To prepare men’s minds and hearts
For that event.
We have no other life intention. Ohm Ohm Ohm.
love, Risa

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