Sunday,  September 29, 2024- 9am

Sunday, September 29, 2024- 9am

Autumn’s beginning rhythms & energies, signs, sounds, tones, colors, activities, celebrations & festivals.
Night Light News is updated – it’s all about Autumn.
And so today is Sunday once again – in our spiral of time.
Today is our day of rest.
Sundays –
Preparing for the new week ahead.
When anything could occur, endless possibilities & opportunities.
So today we rest while reviewing the past week.
What were our hopes wishes & dreams?
While also being aware of the week ahead.
What are our hopes wishes & dreams?

Today Virgo Moon, Libra Sun – sounds like a new moon is soon.
Today Mars trines Saturn – we can move forward with plans & agendas – everything unfolding in time.
Wednesday, Oct. 2, is new moon solar eclipse – 10 degrees Libra.
Wednesday evening is Rosh Hashanah –
The 10 Days of Awe begin. from Rosh Hashanah to Yom Kippur.
From celebrating creation to Day of Atonement.
Rosh Hashanah – Jewish festival of the new year….thoughts of forgiveness & reconciliation. 2 day festival.

Wednesday, Oct. 9 – Jupiter retrogrades 20 degrees Gemini.
Jupiter remains retrograde thru the new year of 2025. Joining Mars who will also be retrograde as the new year begins.

Friday, October 11, Pluto stations direct in Capricorn, 29 degrees.. On its way to entering Aquarius November 19th.

Friday at sunset, Yom Kippur – Days of Atonement, Forgiveness. So that G-d can write our names once again in the Book of Life.

Monday, October 14, Columbus Day.
Wednesday, October 16, the Jewish festival of Sukkot begins at sunset – building our temporary homes in nature under the sun & moon – remembering out long 40 years walk from Egypt to Canaan.

Thursday, Octobet 17 – Full moon, Libra solar festival 24 degrees.

Disciples understand that all religions are the different developmental stages of humanity.
Religions are the ways humanity, far away from our origins, from heaven, from the heavenly realms, can connect with the heavens, “calling in the the light & bring it down to meet the needs of humanity.”
Religions are humanity’s safeguards & protections.
Disciples are aware of & celebrate all religious festivals.
love, Risa

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

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