Sunday,  November 3, 2024- 8am

Sunday, November 3, 2024- 8am

The Time of Convergence We Are In (read below)
Let the Forces of Light bring illumination to humanity.
The F/Darkness cultivating separation.
From dark to Light. Humanity is to be the light.
A stronghold of Light. Our destiny.

Daily prayer for humanity –
Making our choice during these Kali Yuga times.
What has, what will each of us choose, Libra asks?

Today is Sunday, November 3, 2024.
A complex day today in the heavens.
A complex day today on earth (heaven’s reflection).
Sag moon – a call for justice.
Scorpio Sun – a call to discipleship.
Mars/Pluto – careful everyone – Cancer/Capricorn.
This is an intense energy –
The Two Gates are opened – into Earth, return to Spirit.
Venus/Jupiter – this is a kind, loving beneficent energy.
This evening Mars enters Leo – we turn our focus upon our talents, gifts, abilities. We realize we are each sovereign & each of us is a point of light. Fully powerful, immersed in love, aligned with the true Matrix – the heart of Love.

Countdown, including today –
3 days til Tuesday, November 5, 2024, election day.
What will humanity in our country choose?
Will we once again experience the fraud that occurred during the 2020 election? What will happen after the election?

What will the outcome be?
Everyone is anxious and everyone is asking.
In the meantime….we recite the prayer to illumine the minds of humanity.

Prayer for Humanity
Let the Force of Light bring illumination to the minds of men (thinkers). Let the Spirit of Peace be spread abroad.
May men (thinkers) of Goodwill everywhere meet in a spirit of
May there be forgiveness & may it be the keynote of the times.
Let power attend the Great Ones.
And so let it be, & help us to know & to do our part in the world.

Our Present Convergence Times.
Why is humanity so divided? The world so upside down?
Living in the Kali Yuga where the dark is allowed to be seen.
Where everything is inside out. Where there is no rule of law.
We are in a convergence time. All the time lines of existence are coming together. Passing thru the eye of the needle, all time lines converging. Past, present, future.

We have people from all life waves, time lines all together.
We are preparing for the next order of things, the Aquarian Age.
Multiple time lines coming together with different abilities, different abilities of seeing, know, hearing.
Multiple frequencies, from the lowest to the highest.
Contrasts everywhere. Where humanity can learn & choose which reality do we want to occupy?

Everything collapsing that we are used to.
This will not continue. This is where we are now.
In this Kali Yuga time – a convergence point of all realities coming together.

We are living in an extraordinary time.
There is so much, we can short circuit with all the possibilities.

This is the external world.
What do we define as our internal world.

How do we define ourselves? (north node in Aries).
What is our self identity in this time of convergence?
How do we define reality?
We are living in the Matrix with upside down rules.
Living internally, this corrects the confusion.
A purification is occurring.
During this great shift of the Ages.
Those who control the Matrix are out & about controlling the lives of humanity.

However, the Forces of Light are also here.
Humanity attaining levels of love & intelligence.
Not allowed in the Matrix.
The love dissolves the walls of the Matrix.
Darkness vying for control.
Where there is separation, there is darkness.
The F/Darkness cultivate separation.
This is what we are encountering now, what we have endured.
Think on this.

But light only seeks unification – this is the nature of God.
What we are actually seeing is the light will become lighter (wholeness), the dark will become darker (& its power will dissipate). Darkness is the illusion of separation.
But many choose the darkness.

Two mainstreams – one dark, one light.
Manipulated attempt to maintain the band of darkness.
The darkness had a stronghold in the government.
This is where the Dark matrix must crumble.
When we don’t see the truth, when we don’t recognize the false light, then humanity becomes polarized.

All eventually is being reversed into wholeness.
God calling His Creation back.

Humanity needed the experience of the Matrix (Kali Yuga).
The political strife, the oppositions.

To make its choices.
In terms of voting, what did each of us choose?
Did we see the false darkness & did we see the light?

As we move from one age (Pisces) to the next (Aquarius).
Libra sails our ship, our Ark.
As we go thru the eye of the needle into the new world.

Does everyone know what times we are in?
Which stream has each of us chosen?

Isn’t it beautiful to just be human with each other?
With no other labels?

The Sun is a Star Gate…restoring the light.
Correcting the false matrix, so we can enter
into the Divine Matrix. love, Risa

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

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