Sunday, May 5, 2024- 9am

Sunday, May 5, 2024- 9am

Lucifer -the Light Bringer
Lucifer (luc – light) literally means Lightbringer,
The Lightbearer,
The Bringer of Dawn,
The Shining One,
The Morning Star (Venus).
Lucifer wanted the minds of men to be illumined.
Lucifer wanted the minds of men to be enlightened.
So they could become thinkers.
So they learned of dark & light.
And so humanity could awaken from the unconscious state
in the Garden of Eden.
We need new art on Lucifer. No longer depicted as a dark angel.
Lucifer is the Angel of Light.

Light. Luce. Lucifer – Light Bringer.
Understanding words.
Meanings & source.
Taurus – Venus –
Each sign & planet has a purpose, a keynote & a light.
Especially the sign of Taurus. And Taurus’s ruler, Venus.
Taurus is the sign of enlightenment.
Venus is the Morning Star.
Venus is Ray 5 – the ray of Truth, true knowledge, true science.
The Science of the heavens, which astrology teaches.

Taurus is Ray 4 of Love/Wisdom.
When we are enlightened, wisdom & love unfold.
Buddha is the Teacher of Enlightenment.
Following his teachings, we become enlightened.
The Buddha brought us the teachings that “light up the mind.”
Light contains information.
The Christ brought love. Two brothers working together.
Love, when applied with the light of the enlightened mind.
Produces even more light.

Taurus keynote on the Soul level.
“I see & when the Eye (Ajna diamond light center is opened & pouring out Light), all we see is Light.”

Lucifer -the Light Bringer
Lucifer (luc – light) literally means
Bringer of Dawn,
Shining One,
Morning Star.

The word Lucifer has no other meaning.
Historically and astronomically, the term “Morning Star” has always been applied to the planet Venus (gnostic Sophia).

Thus those who claim that Lucifer is the devil actually have no Biblical basis, no true knowledge, or authority for such a statement or belief. It is ignorance blinding them.

Jesus boldly proclaimed his identity with Venus, the Lightbringer in Revelation 22:16, where he says…..
“I, Jesus, am the bright and morning star.”
Translating this verse using Latin as in Isaiah 14:12, it would read “I, Jesus, am Lucifer.”
~ Helena Blavatsky, Secret Doctrine, Isis Unveiled.

Note: Against the wishes of God Himself & most other of the Angels, Lucifer wanted humanity to Know Itself, Be Awake & Aware. Against the wishes of heaven, Lucifer, the Angel closest to God, made the decision himself to help humanity awaken. And so, Lucifer (story of Prometheus) helped “stole the fire from heaven” (fire is light, our minds are a fire, a light) in order for humanity to awaken & come to a state of awareness & enlightenment – light of the mind. 
For humanity to have a pathway of light on the involutionary arc (downward spiral into the Earth). 
We are now (18 million years later, to reorient our direction, from downward (involutionary arc) to upward (evolutionary arc) – step upon the Evolutionary Arc (back to heaven) & to identify with the (our) Solar Angel which is our Soul – the source of the light & the direction needed for our personality. This is Vulcan’s work, Ray 1 work, fashioning the lead of our personality into the golden chalice. love, Risa

1. Angel of Light, art by Salvador Dali, 1960.
2 & 3 – Involution/Evolution Pathways (into matter, return to heaven). At the very bottom is the Earth globe.
The area called Awakening is the Earth globe.
Where we are now in time & space.
We are in the very depths of darkness (furthest away from Heaven, our origins).
In between downward & upward.
This is where & why the choice is to be made now.
This farthest region away from heaven (the light), is why we have the Kali Yuga (we have 3/4 darkness & 1/4 Light).
The NGWS w/ the 10 Seed Groups are holding the Light for humanity.

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

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