Sunday,  March 9, 2025- 9am

Sunday, March 9, 2025- 9am

Observers Along the Way of the Pilgrim.
Life as an Observer –
In the heavens, Cancer moon today, Pisces Sun.
And so….
Life itself is running along quite nicely these days.
And it would continue to do so even without humans.
Life on our planet Earth this time is about cultivating awareness & consciousness (a Ray 2 quality).
Cultivating Love & Wisdom (Ray 2).
And so….
Life itself is running along quite nicely these days.
And it would continue to do so without us.
These days, life itself is accelerating – due to our entrance more & more into the atmosphere, architecture & the airs of Aquarius.

Humanity on the planet Earth is simply one of the kingdoms living here along with the other four kingdoms (mineral, plant, animal, human, angelic).

We are not propelling the life that we feel see & live in all around us.
We are participants only, living along side the other kingdoms (mineral, plant, animal).
The task given to us is to steward the other kingdoms (mineral, plant, animal & each other).
It is important to know this…
Life is not personal.
Life is a mystery & a cosmic phenomenon.
And it’s made by Magic.

What do we do with this information?
We step back. Know nothing’s personal.
And BECOME OBSERVERS once & for all time.

This is a state of mind (& heart), an intelligent one.
A stepping back & using our eyes, all of our senses to look at & simply identify what is around us.
Not with emotions. But with the mind.
Not judging, criticizing, interpreting or having opinions.
But just looking.
Gazing at what is all around us.
Identifying – that’s the sky, the grass, the tree, a person, etc.
Identifying that life is quite lovely & beautiful & I realize it is not personal.

As we become observers we are then able to focus upon ourselves. We have freedom.
To focus upon cultivating ourselves.
We focus on daily tasks, upon our stage in life, our hopes, wishes & dreams, plast, present & future. On each moment in time.
Becoming creative.
Being an observers frees us –
Being an observer allows us to drop all interpretations.
Allows us to drop criticisms, judgments. We are free.

Being an observer is like this.
We identify what we see (without interpretation).
I l(we) look out into the world & I see the grass is turning green.
The daffodils are blooming, the leaves have not unfolded in the trees yet. I see that the sky is blue.
I see you (friends’ families etc.) in my life.
You are living your lives, striving, having hopes wishes & dreams, too.
I see & recognize this in everything.
And then I turn back & focus upon the tasks in front of me.

I focus on my work, my duties, my responsibilities.
I play my part with focused intelligent loving ways so that I am useful
To myself & to others, to the land, the earth, the sky, the air.
Being a part of them.
Any obstacles and difficulties I encounter I work with them, over them, throught them & around them. If needed, I ask for help from other observers, like minded people.

We remember during the days & wakeful nights too, to identify as the OBSERVER.
Watching, looking, listening, recognizing, doing, being, loving, living, praising, etc.

We never lose heart. And when we ask for it, help is always on the way (from stars, planets, the Sun, friends, family, angels, devas & even beings we don’t know about yet).
Being the Observer in our Land of Magic.
We then enter into & become that MAGIC.

Quote – Question & Answer, Teacher & Student.
From the Pilgrims Mantra – an Ancient Catechism –
What will be seen, O Pilgrim on the Way, when sounds that final chord?
The music of the endless spheres, the merging of the seven; the end of tears, of sin, of strife, the shattering of forms; the finish of the ladder, the blending in the All, completion of the circling spheres and their entry into peace.

The words above are from Archive XIII of the Masters’ Records, that carry with them a message for the Pilgrim on the Way. They are somewhat on the line of an old catechism, and to be recited by the participants in the lesser mysteries before they passed on into the greater. (Initiation Human & Solar, p. 209+, AABailey & the Tibetan).

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

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