Sunday, March 2, 2025- 9am
The heavens tells a new story each night.
And so…today/tonight –
Sunday – a new week begins already?
Time is accelerating more and more each day.
It’s Aquarius time, ruled by Uranus.
I can sense spring is soon. When I open the door in the morning, although the trees & shrubs are bare, I can sense the budding & blooming that will begin soon. An overlay of subtle etheric green in the air everywhere.
And so….
Today is March 2, 2025 –
What is the sound of Sunday? Everything has a sound.
In the sky – Venus retrograde! 11 degrees Aries.
Retrograde til April 12 – back to 24 Pisces.
Where are those degrees in everyone’s chart.
Soon Mercury retrogrades too, in Aries!
Venus retrograde – beginning in Aries (self identity) ending in Pisces (spiritual reality). Gathering the spiritual reality for the Year of the Reappearance. Dreaming for a while. Before the thunder!
Lightning & thunder. The lightning & thunder of the Reappearance. That is how humanity will experience it!
Aries Moon.
Thunder, feel the thunder
Lightning, then the thunder
Thunder, feel the thunder
Lightning, then the thunder, thunder, thunder
Thunder (Imagine Dragons).
Today Sunday.
Pisces Sun, Mercury, Neptune.
Aries Moon, Mercury/Neptune – more dreamtime today!
Sun/Jupiter (a square) – Pisces/Gemini – we are challenged to expand our love nature.
Blue Ghost landed on the moon.
From Earth Sky News
Space X flies again tomorrow, Monday.
Tonight, Sunday evening, the waxing crescent moon appears higher in the west after sunset, above Venus and Mercury.
Four planet seen in the sky tonight.
The heavens always tells us a story.
It changes each night.
And so…
After sunset tonight we can see the four –
Mars, Jupiter, Venus and Mercury. To see Mercury, look westward shortly after sunset. Mercury is on the ecliptic, the sun’s path across our sky. Planets in our solar system always lie along the green line (eliptic, see graphic), because they orbit our sun in a flat plane.