Sunday, March 16, 2025- 12pm
Sunday, the Sun’s Day.
An interactive study – take all week to study this posting.
Studying the astrology of a public figure.
Who is deeply criticized.
However, with the study of their astrology sign & chart.
We come to understand them.
Thus there is no need for criticism or judgments.
Only compassion & understanding.
They become us when we understand them.
Through astrology – which is everything.
And so…
A Public Figure.
Deconstructing an astrology chart of a public figure.
Of which there are 4 “lights” in Leo – to shine forth (their purpose). With love (Jupiter at the heart of Leo).
Today – March 16, 2025 – the Sun’s (Leo) day.
What is the Sun in the astrology chart?
How to understand & interpret it.
What the/our/others’ Sun (in the astrology chart) tells us.
The Sun in our astrology chart signifies our personality potential in this lifetime.
It tells us about the “I”-ness of ourselves.
Our personality self identity.
The Sun in our charts….
It is the type of energy we have to work with.
Each sign a different energy.
Our Sun (in the sign) is our temperament – the characteristics of our present life incarnation (accepting reincarnation).
The Sun in our astrology chart tells us of the nature of our personality.
What IS the personality?
Our physical body, emotions, & lower brain mind.
(note: the first 18 sub levels (from bottom up) on the Constitution of Man/Mind (our geography).
The Personality – this is the “equipment”, the “tools” we have brought forth from previous lifetimes. This personality self is our “vehicle” which we use in order to interact with the physical world – the elements & the kingdoms on Earth.
We use the vehicle of our personality to live out our current lifetime. The personality is our “clothing” covering & protecting a spiritual essence (spirit & soul).
The Sun in our charts is the force field through which our personality experiences life, & activates itself so that we can become more aware, more conscious & more creative.
Esoterically the Sun in our charts points to & indicates the Ray make-up of the personality.
The Sun in the Signs in our Charts
Each Sun sign has a specific task to fulfill.
Each Sun sign exhibits itself (each individual exhibits themselves) in different ways.
Knowing the basic Sun sign of the self & of others (& when we live with intentions of goodwill & compassion, seeking understanding), offers us an insight into how each of us is in a state of striving.
Our Tasks – Self Identity & Creativity
The task of each individual is to discover & then cultivate our self identity & our creative selves.
The two are intertwined.
We first sense that we are an identity, a self, then we set about cultivating the creativity within ourselves. We then come to a sense of “I am Creative. I am a creator. I am a Creative Self. I understand myself through what I create.”
And so….
Public Figure
There is an individual in the public sphere attempting to bring forth her creative self identity. Her sun sign is Leo, the sign of creativity & of children. She has been given the opportunity to develop her sense of creative self & now she is presenting herself to the world for all to see.
She is not perfect (as we all are not perfect).
However, she is presenting her gifts to the world & attempting to share them.
There is tremendous backlash to what she is doing. The news media gladly splashes criticism all over the internet about her attempts. It is quite ghastly, what they say about her.
She made a choice not to remain in the royal sphere (where independent creativity has no room).
Instead she chose to be free & independent & to develop herself in the ways that are best for her.
She has a show on Netflix wherein she invited chefs to her kitchen, makes food for and with them, takes them into the garden, has tea parties, gathers honey, makes flower arrangements, plays mahjong with friends and they all gather in the kitchen & the garden & eat together. It’s charming. It’s simple. And it’s beautiful. Which is also criticized.
Coming to Understanding via Astrology
What do we see & what can know from the public person’s chart below. Follow along, referring to the chart.
1. Leo Sun, two planets (Sun/Mercury) in Leo + North Node in Leo. In the 1st house of self identity)
2. Cancer rising w/ Mars in Cancer (12th house of Pisces).
3. Venus in Virgo & 4 planets (Moon Saturn Jupiter Pluto) in Libra. In 3rd (communication) & 4th (home) houses (areas of life).
4. Aries (self identity) at the midheaven.
The midheaven is an umbrella of energy that influences the entire chart.
5. Uranus in Scorpio, Neptune in Sagittarius. 5th house of creativity.
6. Chiron in Taurus (11th house, community house, humanity).
7. South Node (past gifts brought into this life, in Aquarius (friends, community, humanity, freedom) in 7th of others/intimates – family, friend, loved ones).
8. Left sided chart. One who is deeply independent.
9. Planets focused at bottom 1/2 of chart. One who is developing themselves, cultivating the roots of one’s own personality life.
10. Part of Fortune in Gemini in 11th house.
Let’s deconstruct the chart.
Leo Sun – 4 lights in Leo (including one asteroid, Pallas Athena, the intuition), in 1st house.
Leo – one is to shine forth with their light. Leo is the sign of creativity. North Node (purpose, life path ahead this lifetimes) in Leo – sign of leadership & of creativity.
One MUST step upon this path (Leo) & shine forth (Leo) in the world.
Thus, with 4 planets in Leo, one MUST develop their creative self. Developing & offering & sharing one’s creativity t is one of the most important tasks in their life. (for everyone actually).
1st house – with planets in 1st house, one is developing their self identity – w/ Leo in the 1st, they are to shine their light out all around them via their creativity. Leo is the LIGHT OF THE SUN, shining forth for all to see.
Cancer rising (soul purpose) & Mars (action) in Cancer.
Cancer is the sign of nurturing & nourishing.
She says preparing food for others is her expression of love.
The Rising sign is our SOUL PURPOSE.
Cancer – nourishing & nurturing others.
With Mars in Cancer – Mars is our ACTION!
We see her in the kitchen preparing foods, or in the the garden gathering foods all the time in her show, gathering honey (Venus) & preparing foods with friends, talking about making food for her children (5th house of Leo).
Venus in Virgo (& Ceres, the mother in the garden in Virgo) – Gathering the honey from the bees (from Venus) in her garden (Virgo). Virgo is daily life & how we serve ourselves & others & small animals in daily life. It is Ceres, the mother who tends & cares for the plant kingdom.
We see all of this in her show, along with her little dog (who passed away after the show was done filming).
Venus gathers all that is separated & brings it into a unity. When the apartment house was on fire in London that houses many immigrant families, she went to the women & cooked with them & developed a cookbook of their recipes, the money of which went to the families affected by the fire.
Four planets (2 asteroids, the feminine aspects in the chart) in Libra – beauty, chart, harmony – all that she attempts to bring forth around herself & with others.
Vesta in Libra – our inner self, the inner light within to be discovered.
Moon in Libra – in a daily life of beauty.
Saturn in Libra – this is the spiritual ruler of Libra – use of beauty to structure one’s daily life. Externalizing & manifesting beauty & harmony in form.
Jupiter in Libra – Presenting the Law of Harmony and Right Relations between people. Linking ideas that foster well being. Creating bonds between people of beauty and harmony.
Uranus in Scorpio – the media (Uranus) – backlash, cruel tongues speaking against her (Scorpio).
Neptune in Sagittarius – Neptune is films, TV, the big media..Sagittarius is ideals, altruism & inspiration.
Aries at the midheaven – Aries initiates new ideas. Aries is the sign of self identity, which is ruled by Mars (her Mars in Cancer). Thru her actions behind the camera (Pisces/Neptune), she “finds” herself, cultivates her self identity.
South Node in Aquarius – comfortable with friends & offering to friends & to humanity her gifts, talents & abilities. Bringing forth her gifts from previous lifetimes.
Chiron in 10th (on the world stage) in Taurus.
Chiron is the wound.
Taurus is cautious, consistent & above all kind. Fear is people’s judgement about them which makes them vulnerable. Sense the need for self protection. in the 10th – the inner wound revolves around how people in the world see them, respond to them.
The wounds concern one’s career and reputation. Fear of being misunderstood, disconnected from peers. Fear of loss of resources (Taurus)…all of which leaves one with a strong desire for stability and belonging. Creating a life of freedom & independence. Not depending on anyone but the self & one’s inner resources. Thus developing them for self stability. Taurus, offering all the beauty of Venus to the world (10th house).
Part of Fortune in Gemini in 11th house – Gemini is communication. Part of Fortune is where everything about oneself is integrated. Thus communication to the group called humanity is a way of integrating all one’s gifts, hopes, wishes & dreams. The Leo self (Sun) offered to Aquarius (11th house of humanity as one’s friends!).
Questions to answer & post.
What are your thoughts around this subject?
What did you discover or come to understand from this study?
What is your Sun sign?
What are your gifts, talents, abilities?
What is your purpose (rising sign).
What is your Path (North Node)?
What is your Sun sign?
A study today for our Astrological Journals.
love, Risa