Sunday,  Decemeber 8, 2024- 10pm

Sunday, December 8, 2024- 10pm

Secrets & Symbols of the Plant Kingdom.
Sunday – the 2nd Sunday of Advent.
Monday – the 2nd week of Advent.
We light our 2nd violet candle.
It is the light of the plant kingdom.***
Monday – 2nd week of Advent.
December 8 (Immaculate Conception) & December 9, 2024.
Monday – Aries moon, Sag Sun.
Sunday Mercury stations direct at 7 degrees Sag.
And the moon is full – (1am Pactific time) – full moon which means it’s the Sagittarius solar festival at 24 degrees.
We see the goal, reach the goal & then the next goal appears.
Our eyes on the mountain tops of Capricorn, leading humanity to the Capricorn foothills.
We begin preparing for the festival on

The Plant/Vegetable Kingdom.
We light our 2nd Advent candle.
It is the light of the plant kingdom.
It is the perfume, beauty, color & growth towards
the light. The perfume/fragrance color & beauty.
This is their radiation & magnetism.
And the mystery & alchemy of this kingdom is that
it is in this kingdom that one first sees clearly the glory which lies ahead of humanity. The plant or vegetable/flower/trees (all plants) kingdom “conforms” to the pattern set in the heavens, produce below (on earth) that which is found above.
The secret of the plant kingdom are those hidden alchemical processes which enable the growth of the plant/vegetable/flow/trees/shrubs/grasses kingdom to draw their sustenance from the sun and. soil, and to “transform” it into form and colour.
Purpose – the purpose of this kingdom is Magnetism. That inner source of beauty, loveliness and attractive power which lures to it the higher forms of life, leading the animal forms to consume it for food, and the thinking entities to draw from it inspiration, comfort and satisfaction of a mental kind.
The plant kingdom is about water, touch, beauty and activity (rajas).
The plant kingdom’s secret is the secret of sacred perfume (which attracts).
Last week, we lit the candle for the mineral kingdom.
This week for the vegetable/plant kingdom.
Next week, the 3rd week, the rose candle week, for the animal kingdom.
The 4th week, the final violet candle, is the human kingdom.
Each of the kingdoms has a symbolic form where their secrets are hidden & conveyed to the intelligence of the Initiate.
1. The mineral symbo/secret – A diamond, blue white in colour.

2. The vegetable secret/symbol – A cube of sandalwood in the heart of the lotus.

Who will draw these symbols for all of us to see?
Three rays flow through the planet kingdom – Rays 2, 4 & 6.
What are these rays?
The united effect of these three rays, working in unison, has been to bring forth the fourth result, the perfume of the flowers, as found in the higher units of the vegetable kingdom.
In the vegetable kingdom the influence of Venus is predominant, & both Venus & Jupiter powerfully affect the world of forms.
love, Risa

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