Sunday, April 28, 2024- 9am

Sunday, April 28, 2024- 9am

Sunday, April 28, 2024.
Capricorn moon today, a practical day.
Taurus Sun Jupiter & Uranus.
Tomorrow Venus enters Taurus, is at home once again.
Venus is Ray 5 – Aquarius is Ray 5.
Leo is Rays 1 & 5.
The color of Ray 5 is all the hues & nuances of golden orange.
Venus & Taurus creates the Art of Living.
Under the sign of Taurus, we study the ancient teachings and the plight & journey of the Hebrew people, from their long walk from Taurus Age (age of materialism, i.e. symbol of the golden calf). At the end of the Taurus Age, the purity & beauty of the Tuauean religion has dissipated. All that was left of the Taurus religion was depravity and sexuality. Thus the destruction of the town Sodom & Gomorrah.
When Moses led the people our of Egypt (end of Taurus Age, out of material slavery), walkng as they did thru the desert, he would often leave the people for short or long times. The purpose of this was to see if the people were strong & brave & courageous (the blood of Aries) enough to withstand a new pioneering spirit, a new reality. Ofen when Moses returned he found they were not yet ready to assume the new laws of the new age (Aries). And they reverted back to what they knew – materiality, sensuality, etc. The Jewish people would remain in the desert for as long as it would take to diminish the remembrance of their enslavement to materiality & to sensuousness & the depravity (golden cafe – devotion to materialism) that resulted.
The life wave of humanity (at that time the Hebrew people) remained in the desert for 40 years, years of purification.
When the people broke the laws, Moses stood between the Laws of Karma (God’s wrath) and the people. Moses absorbed the sins of his people in the Aries Age (as did the Christ in the Piscean Age).
Both Moses & the Christ performed the same sacred task – They both modified the karmic law – so that the people might make better preparation to meet the retribution needed for the people to finally learn. They withheld the forces that would have destroyed the people. Moses & Christ did not annul the Law but held it until the people were able to work out the law for themselves. So humanity could work out their salvation when they were stronger & could better understand their actions & the Law. Both Moses & the Christ were saviors of the 5th Root Life Wave (the Aryan people, which is what we are – the Thinkers).

Humanity’s true history is not of wars (which are in our history books). Humanity true history is the history of its ongoing & expanding states of becoming awakened – state of expanded awareness, the spiritual developmental stages through out the Ages.
As each Age progresses forward, each new Age is given a Teacher & the Laws & Principles of that new Age. The Laws of Aries are the Ten Commandments. The Tables of the Law (the Torah) were given to Moses on the Sabbath (that was Saturday for the Hebrew people – Saturday – the Teacher of the Laws). The laws are given each new Age to help direct the people into the next developmental stage.

There is so much to learn, to study and to know.
Aquarius is humanity coming to true knowledge.
North Node in Aries – humanity learning about its true self.
Leo – humanity cultivating its gifts talents & abilities.
Taurus – Vulcan, Soul ruler of Taurus -fashioning the personality of each individual into a golden chalice for the Soul.
So much to learn & study & understand.
This is our Mystery School for that purpose.
Above our doors – Know Thyself….love, Risa

Graphic – Vulcan forging the raw materials, the lead of our personality into a golden chalice of & for the Soul.
Art by N. Roerich

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