Saturday, October 29, 2022- 9am

Saturday, October 29, 2022- 9am

Understanding Death (the 49 fires within cease).
South Node in Scorpio, Sun in Scorpio.
Today, Saturn’s day. A teaching day. Saturn, Ray 3.
Intelligence, Divine & Active. A Reflection of the Mind of God.
Today – October 29, 2022.
Today is Hermit day. Perfect for Saturn’s day today.


From the Ashram the sounds of Om are heard. Every home is to be an Ashram. A place of holiness. Created by the mother & the father for the children. Raising children in a home which has become the Ashram. Every home becoming an Ashram.
This is most important as every aspect of our country is in collapse. The old ways are in their destructive phase now. Disciples must understand this, observe it, and turn towards the new ways. Things are changing forever. This is the passage from Pisces to Aquarius. Disciples are the ones who are the pioneers in all aspects of livingness.

Scorpio Sun, Scorpio South Node
We are in Scorpio now. The sign of death, regeneration, the eagle, the phoenix, the Call to Discipleship. The South Node is in Scorpio now, the North Node in Taurus. Scorpio, as the sign of death, it is good to understand death, that transition from living on earth, a transitions we have made thousands of times. We die to the earth life when our tasks are completed. Our “watch” is over. This is a quote about the passage of death, when the Soul Withdraws – it is from Esoteric Healing.

“Confronting the Withdrawing Soul.”

“The second moment of brilliance (the first moment of brilliance is the Light that appears when we are conceived) comes in reverse of this process (incarnation) and heralds the period of restitution (leaving) and the final abstraction of its own intrinsic energy by the soul. The prison house (limitations of the spirit presented by living in form & matter) of the flesh is dissolved by the withdrawing of the Light and Life (force). The forty-nine fires within the physical organism die down; their heat and light are absorbed into the twenty-one minor points of light; these, in their turn, are absorbed by the major seven centres of energy. Then the “Word of Return” is uttered, and the consciousness aspect, the quality nature, the light and energy of the incarnating man, are withdrawn into the etheric body. The life principle withdraws, likewise, from the heart. There follows a brilliant flaring-up of pure electric light, and the “body of light” finally breaks all contact with the dense physical vehicle, focuses for a short period in the vital body, and then disappears. The act of restitution is accomplished.” (EH 470) Our “Earth Watch” is over. Om Om Om.

We are electrical beings. What does that mean to each of us? Risa

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