Saturday,  October 19, 2024- 12pm

Saturday, October 19, 2024- 11pm

The Rainbow Bridge & Studying the Constitution of Man.
Today, Saturday, is Saturn’s Day – Saturn is structure.
Learning. Study. Saturn is the Teacher.
Saturn is Ray 3 – Divine Intelligence day.
October 19, 2024 –
Countdown – 17 days til Nov. 5 – voting & election day.
Yesterday was a Saturn teaching.
Lots of words & ideas to study.
About Free Will.
To have Free Will one must climb the ladder to the upper mental & one must have cultivated certain virtues & abilities.
The Forces of Darkness, when they manipulate & “capture” the minds of humanity, they focus on creating fear (emotional plane affected) and disturb & confuse the lower mind (4 sub planes on the mental plane) & humanity cannot rise up to the upper mind & to the plane of enlightenment.

Rainbow Bridge
The climbing of the ladder, the bridge to the Soul & higher mental plane mentioned in yesterday’s post is the Rainbow Bridge – a bridge from the personality (lowest dense physical plane) to the Soul (on the mental & buddhic planes).
This is seen in yesterday’s graphic – the planes (the different colors, which are also the different Ray colors) Part of that graphic is the Rainbow Bridge. This is the bridge between the personality & the Soul.
We create 1/2 of that bridge – by our seeking & our intentionality & our studies, meditation & prayers & by our dedication – from the personality –we can see this on the Constitution of Man chart – from below upward –
Find these on the Constitution of Man, beginning at the bottom – 1a. dense physical (3 sub planes on physical plane) to
1b. etheric/vital (4 sub planes on physical plane) to
2. astral/emotional (7 subplanes on astral plane) to
3a. lower mind (4 sub planes on mental plane) to
3b. triangle, Egoic (Soul) lotus –
the Causal Body surrounding & protecting the Soul to
3c. higher mind, abstract mind (2 sub levels of the mental plane) to
4. Buddhic plane (plane of pure love, plane of Enlightenment, the Buddha is here w/ all the angels, devas & masters). 7 sub levels to the buddhic plane.
5. Atmic plane (7 sub levels). Triangle of Spiritual Will.
6. Monadic plane (7 sub levels). Will to Good, Will to Love.
7. Logoic plane (7 sub levels) – Divine Mind (reflecting the Divine Mind of God).

The Astrology Today
Scorpio moon, Libra Sun & Mercury.
Later tonight….
Mercury (4) squares Mars (6)- Libra/Cancer –

– both Libra & Cancer are Ray 3 Divine Intelligence .
Careful everyone with communication tonight.

Studying, getting to know & understand the Constitution of Man, the 7 planes in which we as humanity live. Note: most of humanity lives on the lower three planes. We have a long way to go yet…climbing the Rainbow Bridge. We begin that climb with knowledge of that Bridge. love, Risa

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

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