Saturday, May 25, 2024- 9am

Saturday, May 25, 2024- 9am

Saturday, Saturn’s day, Ray 3, Divine Intelligence Day.
Saturn the Teacher & the Teachings.
And therefore again I ask readers to watch the documentary.
Here is a quote from Vivekananda & also notes from some who have watched the video.
Today is Saturday, May 25, 2024.
I look forward to all readers responses to the documentary.

Quote, Swami Vivekananda.
“All the powers in the universe are ours.
It is we who have put out hands over our eyes
And cry that it is dark.”
Everyone has a spark of divinity.
All religions should be studied.
Preach unto mankind its divinity.

Notes – Saturday
Late 1800s…profound events occurred spiritually in the west – with the arrival of V – at the Parliament of Religions – noting how the women saw in V a gentle transmitter of human wisdom & also as a friend. V wasn’t a typical western male.

India: V said in one of his speeches, India is the ancient land where wisdom made its home before any other country – the immanent God & nature of God. India is the home of the Wisdom Teachings on the immortality of the Soul. Sannyasin – someone who sees God everywhere & follows the path of Truth.

Vivekananda was a 33-degree Mason. He spoke at West 33rd St. NYC.
– 33 is the Master Mason Degree.

Vivekananda spoke of Raja Yoga – the beginning of the teachings of Raja Yoga – using the mind, using the tool of visualization, controlling the will & the mind – controlling ourselves using our will & mind. The use of the Mind.

Vedanta is about non-duality – the big minds of America recognized him. He was equally interested in science – the link between Tesla & the Wisdom Teachings. Role of women too – the women recognized his gifts & supported him – helped him in America & in India. When he died, at 38, on the 4th of July, America’s day of liberty.

Documentary – image is the seal – V designed the seal of the Rama Krishna Mission seal – the wavy water (karma), lotus (Bhakti – service eternal nature of the soul, Jana, serpent, swan. What do these all mean? Seal reprints karma bhakti, Jana, etc. The Supreme Self, union, 4 Images, giving rise to the Atma. Seal of Vedanta religion.

From Lauren – Parliament of Religions. Chicago. World’s Fair. It brought Lauren to think about the Aquarian Age, the new world religion, the gathering of all the religions.
Vivekananda – Vedanta Society of America.

Vivekananda – Vedanta Society of America.

Some may be resistant at first to watch the documentary – however….as esotericists/disciples – we are to learn about our spiritual history – the film documentary is part of our spiritual history. each part is a facet of the diamond…

V talked about the Soul – that we are Souls & that every Soul is divine. And that all parts of the body, emotions, mind (personality) are to be dedicated to an ideal, a virtue, etc.
Example – Dedicating ourselves to Goodwill which creates Right Human Relations which create the Peace for humanity.
This is an ideal, aligning with this w/ every part of being.
To stand in reverence in front of all beings…see the light/God immanent in everyone – this brings us freedom.
For true happiness…the perfectly unselfish person, one who serves others, is the one with true happiness.

The documentary –

Further study & photos

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

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