Saturday,  July 20, 2024- 12pm

Saturday, July 20, 2024- 12pm

Festival of the Teacher.
Cancer Solar Festival at the time of the full moon.
This is the 2nd full moon of July.
The Sun is at 29 degrees Cancer.
It’s also a Blue Moon (two full moons in a month.

The Cancer solar festival is the Festival of the Teacher.
As the moon reflects the Sun, the student reflects the teachings of the Teacher. Each Teacher has a Teacher that teaches them.
Each real Teacher teaches their students what they learn from their Teacher. Each is a reflection of higher realms of thought.
The real Teacher receives in order to share and to distribute.
The real Teacher offers all knowledge to the true student.

The moon during full moon times, it’s energy is veiled.
During new & full moon times, we do not celebrate the energy of the moon. The moon’s energy is veiled so that it can fully receive the light of the Sun. The moon is a reflective planet. It only receives then radiates, distributing the Sun’s Rays onto the planet Earth. On one side of the Earth is the Sun (Cancer’s light). On the other side is the moon (reflecting/radiating the Cancer light). Both of them stream thru the Soul of each of us & we hear these words…”I build a lighted house & dwell therein.”

The light of Cancer, when radiated out to the world from disciples offer nourishment to all creatures of life everywhere.
During the full moon we reach up into the Light of Rays 3 & 7 & the sign of Cancer – we reach up into these light & bring them down to meet the needs of humanity. Together.

Mars (Ray 6) enters Gemini (Ray 2) today.
It’s Saturday, Saturn’s (Ray 3) day.
Notice the Rays available today.
Cancer (Rays 3 & 7) day –
All the colors – indigo blue (2), emerald greed (3), violet (7).
A triangle of colors – 2, 3, 7.
Love/Wisdom, Divine Intelligence, anchoring new rhythms & archetypes for the new era.

Tomorrow early morning is the Blue Moon.
The 2nd full moon of the month – the 2nd Cancer solar festival occurring in July.
This is the Festival of the Teacher – Cancer solar festival.
We are grateful to all the teachers we have encountered in our lives. We send our gratitude to them, heart to heart.
Someday, perhaps now, we all become Teachers.
love, Risa

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

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