Saturday,  January 25, 2025- 8am

Saturday, January 25, 2025- 8am

Stargazing –
– a Parade of Planetary Lords Appearing!
Today – January 25, 2025 –
And so….tonight –
Six planetary Lords arrayed in the night sky!
Mars (6) Jupiter (2) Venus (5) Saturn (3) Neptune (6) & Uranus (7) (the last two seen only by telescope).
After sunset – in the west is Venus/Saturn.
Slightly to the south is Jupiter in the horns of Taurus.
And then there’s red Mars under the twin stars of Gemini.
They are appearing now in late January.
We have another “appearance” in February.
Mars Jupiter Venus & Saturn (Neptune & Uranus hidden).
(Venus & Saturn are quite close to each other – over the nights they will separate. Saturn is a pale yellow, very tiny next to Venus).
This is an astronomical event – With a telescope we can see
all six of the planets.
They appear appear as if on a curve across the sky.
This is not unusual, it happens now & then.
It’s NOT a once in a millennia – careful of the hype around this sky event.

This January line up is part of larger events occurring February
& March.
Astrologically a world in change as seen in the heavens.
2025 is a game changing year.
As the outer planets change signs & elements.
And the Precipitation of the World Teacher is beginning.

Planets lined up around the sun on the same plane (eliptic).
The night sky has its seasons – we see the stars & planets in the winter better due to the cold air holding less moisture. The sky is quiet & we see the stars & planets more clearly.

Go outside after sunset or sometime between sunset & dawn.
And look up – locate the planets & say hello!
Make their acquaintance. They are worlds and Lords, each with a purpose (understanding them via the Rays).
Enjoy the Planetary Lords display this winter 2025.
Tell them your name. Make contact with them heart to heart.
Mind to mind. Soul to Soul. And they will respond.

The Astrology Today
Saturday, Saturn’s day.
Ray 3 day – Active Intelligence Day today.
Sagittarius moon – Aquarius Sun – Rays 4, 5, 6 today.
Venus (5) trine Mars (6) today – Pisces/Cancer – a very watery, filled with feelings, nurturing, deeply felt, ardent, fervent, enthusiastic, impassioned day today!
How will we display this?
How will others? We observe…
Then tonight we have a party with friends to observe the
heavens together. And we all make the acquaintance of the planetary Lords. What will they say to us in response, I wonder?
love, Risa

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

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