Saturday,  February 15, 2025- 12pm

Saturday, February 15, 2025- 1pm

Offering our personality vehicle to the Soul (the serpent of Wisdom).

During Mars retrograde –
Today is Saturday, Saturn’s day.
Saturn is the Teacher, the Teachings, the discipline, the the structure needed day to day & the Rule of Law.
It is said in the Wisdom Teachings, the entire economic field will need to be overhauled before the Christ can reappear.
What do we see in our country at this time?

Saturn on Saturday.
Ray 3 day – Intelligence, Right Knowing & Right Action.
Ray 3 flows through Cancer & Libra (signs) & Saturn (planet).
The moon is in Libra today, too! (more Ray 3)!

Today is February 15, 2025 – our last week of Aquarius.
The mopn today visits with Mercury (4), trines Pluto (1) & opposes Venus (5).
But let’s look at Mars (6) – it’s retrograde beginning in Gemini then back to Cancer (now)-
Mars is preparing to be stationary direct on the 24th – so it’s sitting still mostly in the heavens today at 17 (Q) Cancer.
Where is that in everyone’s chart?

Mars is is activity. Gemini is our thinking, talking.
Cancer is being nourished & nurtured.
With Mars retrograde for so long in Gemini, then Cancer, we may find that we are tired of talking, tired of words spoke, tired of hearing words words words, tired of listening to even more words.
Now we need nurturance & nourishment (Cancer).

Mars retrograde instead calls us to retreat inward, to stop our outer actions, to enter into a state of quiet for a while.
Mars is Ray 6 – in our quietude we are able to focus on our own visions, our own thoughts & ideas, our hopes wishes & dreams. Our visions for ourselves & the future.
Mars then can carry our personality (physical body, vital etheric body, emotional/astral body, lower mental brain mind body) up to “heaven.” Up to the serpent of wisdom (the Soul).
Our opportunity during the Mars retrograde. love, Risa

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

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